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miss Everything


About Me

My definition of Self Style:Self Style is being able to work with anything on any budget, Self Style is NOT going into a designer boutique and walking out looking like a million bucks, its going into "Goodwill" and still having the ability to make a statement, and make people think you just came from a designer boutique. Don't fall into what everyone says you should wear, and don't let the outfit wear you. YOU wear the outfit, and show how confident you really are. Being unique is still the hottest thing going. BE CREATIVE!!
Here is where I'll be:
Feb 5-7 LA Feb 8-9 Melbourne Feb 10 LA Grammys Feb 11-15 Sydney Feb 16-17 Perth Feb 18 USAmore to come....

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My Interests

THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.... SLEEP...Champagne, Pearls, Stilettos/Knee high Boots-shoes-shoes-shoes, Rockstars - you know who you are....My Lil' Mynx Stripper Pole, Pro-choice, Sandy Beaches, My Job, Puppies, Thunderstorms, Horses, 5 star Hotels, Ipods, Aerobics/bellydancing, Playing Tennis, Land Rovers, Loud Music, Dancing-Dancing-Dancing, Carnivals, Picnics, Shopping-shopping-shopping, Dancing, Massages, Love & Attention, Designer Duds, Photography, Driving, Down-to-earth/Happy People, Cotton Candy, Cup Cakes and Heath Chocolate Bars : ), New York City/L.A./Hotlanta/Maui/Capetown/Sydney-Melbourne/Hong Kong, Lexington, Ray-Ban Aviators, Bananas-any kind, my Blackberry, and last but not least my family!!!
Not interested in Negative people....no room in "MYSPACE" for ya...move along! Get a copy of "The Secret" and get with the program, love

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who likes to live life to it's fullest...there are no excuses to not do the EXTREME things life has to offer, live today like it's your last, and you won't have any regrets so get out there and enjoy life!!! My motto.."Do the things you'd never do, See the things you'd never see, and Be the things you'd never be". (let me know how it works out for ya!!!) Be Positive and your life will change! Good people get Good, Bad people get Bad!! Karma people, Karma!!!! Judgemental characters need not apply! If you don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. ; )And believe it or not I never get tired of meeting Musicians, even though this is who I am surrounded by on a daily basis...Musicians are genius, they make our world so much better....take a minute and imagine a world without music...holyshit that would SUCK!!Make 2008 your best year yet!!!! Smile you burn more calories and you look good doing it!You can read more about me in my "about me" blog!


HUM....I love music....I live for music....all music so many to name, I have a very eclectic taste....one of my favorites right now is Queen...Freddie Mercury was unbelievable....you can check out my friends page for some of my favorites Here is a little tip for you up and coming music peeps....if the song doesn't sound good in a stripclub....fa-get-about-it....if the base doesn't make your chest hurt, move on to plan B lol
Here is a video from one of the hardest working guys in the music biz...i aint sayin i'm a golddigga......haaaaaaaa


**Anything that brings a tear to my eye in sadness or laughter, and of course any movie that is based on a guy non-stop chasing a girl until he gets her...hence all my favorite lovestory movies..lol...Favorite Actresses Ellen Barkin/Meryl Streep/Juliette Lewis and Favorite Actors Joaquin Phoenix/Ryan Gosling/Al Pacino**The Notebook,The Devil Wears Prada,The Witches of Eastwick,DUMA,Switch,Ray,Walk the Line, Rockstar, Spinal Tap, Almost Famous, Stoned-the original Rolling Stone,Dandelion,Pretty Woman,Sea of Love,Stay,Arthur,The Thorn Birds,Hustle & Flow, "you know it's hard out here for a pimp" ; )The People vs Larry Flynt,Boogie Nights,Mean Girls,The Wizard of Oz,Flashdance,Hysterical Blindness,Thriller,Say Anything,G,Wonderland,Striptease,The Virgin Suicides,Unfaithful,Bambi,All "Wallace and Gromit" ,The Bridges of Madison County,And Scary movies!


E!, Bravo, IMF, VH-1, BET, MTV, Reality TV, CNN, TVLand...I really don't watch alot of TV so this is a hard one, it will always be Music or Reality TV...... Entourage, Project Runway, Work-Out, Rock Docs, The X Effect, Blow-Out...Dr. 90210....these are some of my favorites. My most loved and watched show when I was little was SOLID GOLD!!!


I am trying to get into reading books,......I love Vogue, W, Cosmo, Elle, Lucky, Allure, Style, People, US, Marie Claire, Shape..all the fashion mags and gossip mags! I have read some auto/biographys like..."Walk this Way" the Aerosmith story, and "How to Makelove like a PornStar" Jenna Jameson..and a Patsy Cline story..."The Secret" not much else.


Mom and Dad and my Brother! Also a person who can turn a dillema or a disaster into a good thing...someone who makes the most out of a bad situation....someone who no matter what the situation, is happy with their life and the person they have become.....someone who takes their knowledge and wisdom and shares it with individuals that are in need of it. A kind and generous heart is the answer to most of the worlds problems. Being Positive is not a bad thing! And a person who does what their heart tells them, not what the world tells them to do. I've always felt admiration for a person who makes their own road in life, and doesn't travel the pre-paved ones.

My Blog

Check out this video: Kanye West - Flashing Lights

Check out this video: Kanye West - Flashing Lights Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by miss Everything on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:40:00 PST

Breyers Bubble Yum Ice Cream

Yum Yum!! If you haven't tried it, gotta get it. Pink ice cream with hidden bits of bubble yum gum...it's like easter egg hunting inside a ice cream tub!!!! lol
Posted by miss Everything on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 04:41:00 PST

Back to the future..in my own creativity?!?

Yeah, I'm back to the future...I have been sick for the past year...strep throat off and on, traveling non-stop, no time to heal = no good. After the New Years show, I had some time off. Finally got D...
Posted by miss Everything on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:49:00 PST

Being told what to do is not conducive to a creative atmosphere

Posted by miss Everything on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 03:40:00 PST