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CC Creel

There's such a thing as good grief, just ask Charlie Brown.

About Me

I'm an aspiring everything. I have a dog, an ex wife, and several bartenders in the area depending on me.Check out the Wikipedia website, definition of Creel, note definition 4. No, not the one about the fish basket.
I'm Bonified...
TTU - Old School Style
Yes, I'm already against the next war.
It was the Best of Times, it was the Bratwurst of Times.
Wouldn't it be great in 2008!
So you say you like music.
The perfect Samuel L. Jackson gift.
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You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.
You are usually feeling: Hungry. Hungry for everything life has to offer. Hungry for food, for music, for sex, for money, or just anything that constitutes a good time. Cheeseburgers, Chocolate, Cookies, Cigars, and Coffee are most preferred, but you'll eat and drink anything around. Your doctor hates you and your neighbors think you should turn that damn music down.
You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking
How you live your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" The Sesame Street Personality Quiz

My Interests

Music, rebelious/independant women with obvious problems dealing with authority, running/jogging, more music, architecture, grafitti, graphic design, painting, cartooning, theater, Irish Pubs and Dive Bars, Darts, some more music, eating out, coffee from Jamaica, Nismo racing, My band MONGO EGO, Big 12 college sports, sustainable design and green technology, collecting guitars, boxing, politics, travel, women that love music, American cars from 1957-1974, my dog, your dog, their dog, movies, screenwriting, cave painting, poetry, and music.

I'd like to meet:

The girl of my dreams, somewhere between Amelie and Bettie Page. Or Neko Case cause she is perfect.Artists, Surfers, Cowgirls and Indians. Mostly old friends and future old friends.


Yes Please.




Daily Show, Southpark, Family Guy, Flight of the Conchords, Adultswim, My Name is Earl and the Office, Hardball with Chris Mathews, Real Time with Bill Maher, The Independent Film Channel. It's a horrible crime that my brother and I haven't gotten a show into syndication by now. It's the world's loss really.


The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Currently studying Banksy's Wall and Piece, the SAS Survival Handbook, Make Love! The Bruce Campbell Way, The Game - Pentrating The Secret Society Of Pickup Artists, Adult Head -Book of Poetry by Jeff Tweedy, The Tao of Pooh, Love in the Time of Cholera, and A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier


My parents, My Brother, My Cousins Cody and Summer, Henry Rollins, Bono, John Doe, Geronimo, Mike Ness, Lenny Bruce, Dr. Seuss, Bruce Campbell, Bruce Lee, Charles Schultz,George Carlin, Banksy, Thomas Jefferson, Dean Kamen, John Daly, Dennis Hopper, Frida Kahlo, Shepard Fairey, Marathon runners, Steve Prefontaine, Jeff Tweedy, Joe Strummer, Steve McQueen, Pele, Joe Louis, Jack Kerouak, Chuck Jones, Chuck Norris, Chucky Cheese, Chuck Barris, Seth MacFarlane, Townes Van Zant, Every girl that has put up with me for an extended amount of time, John Lennon but not Ringo, Willie Nelson, Bill Murray, Mel Brooks, PT Anderson, Wes Anderson, Frank McCourt, That guy at Tiananmen Square standing in front of the tank in 89', Les Paul, Ellen DeGeneres, Tonto, Mr. Coffee, Mr T, MLK, FDR, JFK, Bill Clinton, My life long lovely long distance tourists Amy and Natalie, Elvis, Joan Jett, Johnny Appleseed, My bestest friends Paul, Todd and Brad, Carroll Shelby, Quentin Tarrentino, Billy the Kid, The Emaculate Maisumi Max(Come on, you know you love me,) No one at Fox News, Charlie Parker, That bicycle guy - Lance something?, Old couples that still hold hands, and Mimi (my kick-ass grandmother who has lived through a plane crash, an armed bank robbery, 2 divorces, and breast cancer. She keeps on keeping on with patience, humor and dignity.I am angry at and embarrassed by George W Bush.

My Blog

Part IIIa: Home Sweat Home and The Prince of Darkness: Deep into the Dive

Deep into the Dive:The place was packed as soild as the Queen's suitcase.  Hazy and heavy with smoke swirling like winter's chimneys.  The humidity from the overworked AC units dripped giant...
Posted by CC Creel on Wed, 28 May 2008 11:08:00 PST

Part II - Home Sweat Home and the Prince of Darkness...

Yes, a Tuesday night in Big D with the Prince of Darkness...Typical Dallas scene really.  Not as evil as you might think though.  Just a guy we know that brings about much carnage and destru...
Posted by CC Creel on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:26:00 PST

Part I - Home Sweat Home, Is This The End?

Hello Team, Whoa what a grand while has past!  For the most part, just off to work and then ending up at home, with those oh so special places inbetween.  But that is all about to chang...
Posted by CC Creel on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 11:30:00 PST

Crappy Poem: 03 02 2008

I came across an overpass, While driving my way home, Wondering while wandering All the places I have roamed,   I could see so far ahead, While pondering my past year, Faster ti...
Posted by CC Creel on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 09:38:00 PST

List of my favorite recently heard sayings: a work in progress.

1) I need a Whopper like Micheal Vick needed Johnny Cochran! 2)  Smells funny out here.  Smells like someone's been hittin' the devil's lettuce. 3) I need a Whopper like Britney Spears ...
Posted by CC Creel on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:52:00 PST

Words for a friend

We remember what we try not to, and forget what we try not to.  But I will remember you always.  I refuse the times bearing shores of non-ending wearing waves.  I will not forget the li...
Posted by CC Creel on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 01:17:00 PST

Last Week

Not much to put here.  I will make something up just for entertainment's sake.  I went out with some friends from work to a local pub and hooked up with some bikers there that wanted to hit ...
Posted by CC Creel on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 09:10:00 PST

The Man Who Invented the Flame Thrower

The man who invented the flame thrower probably thought his invention was pretty cool initially.  I mean this has super hero possibilities and the idea of being able to BBQ at your neighbor's bac...
Posted by CC Creel on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:59:00 PST

Music Saves Me

  Concert Season approaches.  Or it seems to be.  With Austin City Limits approaching and the various bands doing side shows it will make for a busy summer and fall.  Ryan Adams is...
Posted by CC Creel on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 11:22:00 PST


Mahnamahna The Swedish Chef Beaker...
Posted by CC Creel on Sun, 13 May 2007 03:23:00 PST