corpsefuker profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

to master the streets by spilling the pulses of those who oppose me, muah-ha-ha...and to get VH1 Bands Reunited to do a special on the Vapors, best new wave band ever.

My Interests

curing cancer, and destroying bad hamburger joints.

I'd like to meet:

time travelling mexican gardeners who sweat my hard nipples when i dress up like Cher.


The Vapors


um, i like back to the furture, 3 men and a baby, poltergeist, the shining(hmm, hmm, scary), on golden pond,


golden girls, matlock, and coach. the cosby show and of course, it's a diff world, yo.


snargle slack, sloth, doth, tub, tub.


superman when he pops a hard one, you know what I mean, tee, hee, hee. and a major emphasis on the tee.