Eternal Sunshine profile picture

Eternal Sunshine

The Sweetest Sunshine You'll Ever Meet...

About Me

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I am 27. I live in Columbus, Ohio. I sell my soul to an auto insurance company as an Accounting Supervisor. I'm also a musician, holding a BM in vocal performance. This being said, I am about six months away from a Masters in Business Administration. Fun times.What else? I don't like bullsh*t and refuse to deal with it. For the most part, I can get along with anyone as long as they act with some sense. Obviously, that's a hard task.Here's some food for thought...
Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5'7
Weight:: 123
Right or left-handed:: Right (do people REALLY care to know this?)
Heritage:: Everything
Are you in love?:: If you have to ask, then obviously I'm not in love with you!
How do you alleviate stress?:: Ever heard of Wine-O Wednesdays?
Do you swear?:: Fuck no!
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: I'm not sure. Professional shopper for myself.
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: I don't like sports
What was your first car?:: Miguel; 91 Chevy Caprice
What kind of car do you have now?:: Pricess; 99 Nissan Sentra
Were you popular in high school?:: Puh-Lease!
Do you like thunderstorms?:: Thunderstorms are sexy
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: If there's liquor in it, half empty
Best places you have ever been?:: NYC, DC, Canada, Chicago, grandma's house
Favorite food?:: Pizza
Least favorite food?:: Eggs
What type of music do you dislike most?:: Pop
Do you take illegal drugs?:: Only for special occasions
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: Absolutely
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: What's this obsession with love?
Are you a risk taker?:: I try to be
What do you think about most?:: How am I supposed to honestly know the answer to that?
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: I don't think so.
Have you ever been to jail?:: No
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: Glasses (occasionally)
Hugs or kisses?:: Kisses
Living arrangements?:: Alone, two cats
What is your bedtime?:: Weekdays 9:30 weekends, whenever
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: My man better NOT come wearing any briefs!
Piercings/tattoos?:: I have one
Biggest pet peeve?:: stupid people and OSU football
I have low tolerance for people who:: are STOOPID
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: no
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: no
Can you handle the truth?:: yes
Hair color?:: brown
What are you afraid of?:: spiders
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: Is someone really going to call themselves a ho here?
Friend you've had the longest?:: Brandon and Daniel
Early bird or night owl?:: Early Bird
Best advice you've ever received?:: Let go
Favorite quote?:: If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten
Favorite type of music?:: I love music too much to answer that
Biggest weakness?:: Someone who needs my help
Biggest fear?:: Didn't we already talk about fears and things?
Are you close to your parents?:: Sure
Any brothers or sisters?:: one sister two brothers
Have a religion?:: I get paid to sing at a church...
Views on politics?:: I like small government
Worst habits?:: I'm perfect...
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: A double loop on the ice; I'm just enrolled in ice skating lessons
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: Out of Columbus
Are you laid back or high strung?:: a combination of the two
Do you like to try new things?:: Absolutely
Is family important to you?:: Yes, but they aren't my entire life
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: I'd like to say realist, but...
Have you ever been engaged?:: Yes
Favorite places you've been?:: This is redundant
Are you a procrastinator?:: No
Fly or drive?:: Fly
Favorite pasttime?:: Sleep
Longest relationship?:: 3 years
Biggest mistake?:: Come on! Who the hell knows?
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: I'm not crazy. I couldn't tell ya.
Like to party?:: Sure
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: Define "alot"
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: Own path
Like kids?:: NO!
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: Who cares?
Body type?:: Depends
Personality?:: smart, funny, charismatic,
Style of clothing?:: depends
Do they have to be popular?:: Oh God no! I hope not...
Turn-on?:: A nice smelling man. Ow!
Long hair or short?:: Depends
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My Interests

Global domination. I'm smart, I should rule the world (kidding; one of my interests is telling the lamest jokes possible!).I've recently discovered that I'm extremely interested in everything. I want to do everything, I want to test everything out. And I can. I sing, I can play the piano (not well), I'm going to take percussion lessons, I'll be doing ice skating lessons, I love to read, I like to dabble in politics, etc. I want to do just about anything you can possibly imagine; and I WILL!

I'd like to meet:

Any and everyone... well, almost. It's hard to say who I'd LIKE to meet, but very, VERY easy to state who I do NOT want to meet. I'd prefer to stay away from, fakes, liars, idiots, non-music lovers, non-thinkers, and anyone who does not recognize The Simpsons for the genius show it is.


Miles Davis, Radio Head, The John Scofield Band (all jazzers must check him out), Johnny Hartman, The Gorrilaz, Jane Monheit, Interpol, The Flaming Lips PJ Harvey, The Reciever, Idiot Pilot, The Doves, Deftones...Mozart, Wagner, Puccini, Faure (gotta love those French Art songs), Bellini...Stan Smith, The Tony Monaco Trio, Bobby Floyd, Miles Davis, John Coletrane, John Scoffield...NIN, Bjork (guilty pleasure).....Lots more where that came from.I'm pretty eccletic, although I must say I do NOT listen to the radio anymore because that's not really where you find the real music. Real music has to be searched out as our culture seems to have a low regard for actual music with something to say.But overall, anything with something to say and not so mundane melodies can capture my attention. I'm all about music that is well-written and from the soul. This crap we generally find on the radio,isn't music, but cookie-cutter money.


I'm not the biggest movie chick in the universe, but I watch them when they are brought to me. I CAN tell you that I do not enjoy chick flicks much as I'm not a sappy kind of Candice. I like mafia movies (something about the "I'll kill you if you don't let me rob you" is cool). I also enjoy independent films and really just anything that's different.


Don't really watch TV so much. Actually, not at all. My TV can remain off for an entire week and I wouldn't notice.On the occasion I do watch television, I find myself attracted to the old shows; Sanford and Son, Seinfeld, Sex and the City, The Simpsons (still GREAT), Family Guy....Don't really dig the reality shows so much. Especially American Idol. Who wants to see people sell their souls for fame? You can't say they're selling their talent because most of the people on American Idol sound like any other person on the radio.


I like books, all kinds of books. My guity favorite? "Gone With the Wind." Hey! Don't judge now!


Human heroes are difficult to define. As a matter of fact, I'm not sure if humans can actually be heroes, as they simply react to situations in the best way they can think of at the time.So, my current heroes include Grover Monster, North (dog), and Marble Slab Creamery Ice Cream.

My Blog

Almost to Friday!

I have nothing of any intellectual importance to say.  As a matter of fact, I have nothing that you will find amusing to say.  I'm not even sure why I'm blogging.  I guess I'm super pum...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 03:44:00 PST


Okay!  Below are the opening lines to one of my favorite old school ballads.  Name that tune! Someday when I'm awfully low when the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you... ...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 04:43:00 PST


Whoohoo!  Remember that apartment I was talking about in my prior blog (all two of you who have read it)?  Well, that's now my new place of residence!  OWWW!  Out of the suburbs an...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:22:00 PST

Put on a HAPPY FACE!!

Gray skies are gonna cheer up!  Stick out that noble chin!  Whomp whomp whomp whomp whomp-whomp!  Whomp-whomp wha whomp whomp grin! Yeah, I don't know the words to this song, but I fel...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 11:15:00 PST

This past Tuesday....

So, I meant to post this blog when I got home this past Tuesday, but unfortunately, I was unable to do so. But you're in luck because I'm posting it now. Tuesday after work, I decided to venture out ...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:56:00 PST

Why is that impossible?

I'm not quite sure how to start this blog.  I guess I'm just wondering about something. The other night, I had an interesting discussion with someone.  In this discussion, I disclosed the f...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 02:20:00 PST

A true ninja

This morning, I venture out to my church job.  I usually leave around ten after nine and am able to make it there no later than nine-thirty.  Last night, I rolled in around two-thirty and sa...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:54:00 PST


Here's how you know your MBA has issues. If you can come to class after splitting a glass of wine with your classmate and then drinking a martini.  Not only did I go to class, I had a one on one...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 06:59:00 PST

Question of the day

Per usual, I'm stalling.  I hate my job and I REALLY don't want to go.  It's cold, rainy... there's just no motivation for work. But alas, I still must go so I'll get to the point. Why is ...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Mon, 15 Jan 2007 04:10:00 PST

Thin lines

There are thin lines between all sorts of things: Love and Hate Happiness and Sadness Rich and Poor Attractive and Unattractive Generous and Naive Oh, I'm sure this list could go on and on.  In...
Posted by Eternal Sunshine on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 11:18:00 PST