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I am 27. I live in Columbus, Ohio. I sell my soul to an auto insurance company as an Accounting Supervisor. I'm also a musician, holding a BM in vocal performance. This being said, I am about six months away from a Masters in Business Administration. Fun times.What else? I don't like bullsh*t and refuse to deal with it. For the most part, I can get along with anyone as long as they act with some sense. Obviously, that's a hard task.Here's some food for thought...Things You Actually Really Want to Know About Me by onmyown2723
Height:: 5'7
Weight:: 123
Right or left-handed:: Right (do people REALLY care to know this?)
Heritage:: Everything
Are you in love?:: If you have to ask, then obviously I'm not in love with you!
How do you alleviate stress?:: Ever heard of Wine-O Wednesdays?
Do you swear?:: Fuck no!
If you could have any job, what would it be?:: I'm not sure. Professional shopper for myself.
What are your favorite sports to watch?:: I don't like sports
What was your first car?:: Miguel; 91 Chevy Caprice
What kind of car do you have now?:: Pricess; 99 Nissan Sentra
Were you popular in high school?:: Puh-Lease!
Do you like thunderstorms?:: Thunderstorms are sexy
Is the glass half empty or half full?:: If there's liquor in it, half empty
Best places you have ever been?:: NYC, DC, Canada, Chicago, grandma's house
Favorite food?:: Pizza
Least favorite food?:: Eggs
What type of music do you dislike most?:: Pop
Do you take illegal drugs?:: Only for special occasions
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: Absolutely
If you're not in love now, have you ever been?:: What's this obsession with love?
Are you a risk taker?:: I try to be
What do you think about most?:: How am I supposed to honestly know the answer to that?
Ever cheated on a b/f or g/f? Be honest!:: I don't think so.
Have you ever been to jail?:: No
Do you wear contacts or glasses?:: Glasses (occasionally)
Hugs or kisses?:: Kisses
Living arrangements?:: Alone, two cats
What is your bedtime?:: Weekdays 9:30 weekends, whenever
Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs?:: My man better NOT come wearing any briefs!
Piercings/tattoos?:: I have one
Biggest pet peeve?:: stupid people and OSU football
I have low tolerance for people who:: are STOOPID
Do you sleep with the T.V. on?:: no
Do you have a T.V. in your bedroom?:: no
Can you handle the truth?:: yes
Hair color?:: brown
What are you afraid of?:: spiders
Will you have sex with any pretty little thing or does it actually mean something?:: Is someone really going to call themselves a ho here?
Friend you've had the longest?:: Brandon and Daniel
Early bird or night owl?:: Early Bird
Best advice you've ever received?:: Let go
Favorite quote?:: If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten
Favorite type of music?:: I love music too much to answer that
Biggest weakness?:: Someone who needs my help
Biggest fear?:: Didn't we already talk about fears and things?
Are you close to your parents?:: Sure
Any brothers or sisters?:: one sister two brothers
Have a religion?:: I get paid to sing at a church...
Views on politics?:: I like small government
Worst habits?:: I'm perfect...
What's one thing you'd like to do but haven't done yet?:: A double loop on the ice; I'm just enrolled in ice skating lessons
Where do you picture yourself in five years?:: Out of Columbus
Are you laid back or high strung?:: a combination of the two
Do you like to try new things?:: Absolutely
Is family important to you?:: Yes, but they aren't my entire life
Are you optimistic or pessimistic?:: I'd like to say realist, but...
Have you ever been engaged?:: Yes
Favorite places you've been?:: This is redundant
Are you a procrastinator?:: No
Fly or drive?:: Fly
Favorite pasttime?:: Sleep
Longest relationship?:: 3 years
Biggest mistake?:: Come on! Who the hell knows?
Craziest thing you've ever done?:: I'm not crazy. I couldn't tell ya.
Like to party?:: Sure
Drink a lot (of alcohol)?:: Define "alot"
Set your own path or follow the crowd?:: Own path
Like kids?:: NO!
*In a boyfriend/girlfriend*
Hair color?:: Who cares?
Body type?:: Depends
Personality?:: smart, funny, charismatic,
Style of clothing?:: depends
Do they have to be popular?:: Oh God no! I hope not...
Turn-on?:: A nice smelling man. Ow!
Long hair or short?:: Depends
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