Varsity Hot-tubbing, Professional Baby-making, Denial
10 Things I Want in a Lady 1. Liberal 2. A great ass 3. Insanely argumentative 4. Unique Style 5. Brilliance 6. 2 Boobs 7. Isnt a whore to pop-culture 8. Likes climbing trees drunk 9. Completely Extraverted 10. A.D.D. or some cool learning disorder
Dub Step, Purple Draank, Talking Heads, Boards of Canada, Automator, Alpha Blondy, Bjork
Fletch, Girls Gone Wild Doggystyle, Side-Out
Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Mr. Show, Tom & Jerry, Jeopardy, Heroes, Shark,
Anything by Brett Easton Ellis, Mark Bowden, Hunter S. Thompson
Robert Downey Jr.