As we've all heard plenty of times, one should never judge a book by its cover. And if anything, Lady Tee is the best example of that saying.Just like many other top selling rap artist, Lady Tee raps and performs all of her own lyrics. Reciting ghostwritten rhymes is completely unacceptable, and in her own words, "shows a tremendous lack of talent". Not only does she write her own lyrics; Lady Tee makes it a priority to stay away from the materialistic, violent, degrading, brainless rap. Instead, while using a straight to the point, non-preachy approach, Lady Tee focuses on sending a more positive message.With Lyrics like- Guys be confused. They got game and life twisted!/ Think cause you stack big figures that you gone hit this?/ That's ridiculous! Guys get dismissed!/ You couldn't get me if I was on your Christmas list - Lady Tee makes it known that she is far from your average, everyday, materialistic girl that can be bought. In another she says - I aint never shot nobody, never robbed nobody/ never stood on the block and served rocks to nobody./ But you know what? Hood boys still feel me/ and everywhere I go, I still get respect in these streets. There, she downplays the glorification of violence, and lets the listener know that regardless of what others say; you can still get respect without being a so-called gangster. With Lyrics like these, Lady Tee is guaranteed to give Hip-Hop of today's generation a facelift. Opponents will be forced to either step their game up, or respectfully bow down.