Wishes come true if you believe
**Wishes for the Past**
Who is the one person from your past you wish you could see today?: Twana Harris
Do you wish you could re-live a certain day? Which day would it be?: Income Tax $$$$$$$
Is there a place from your past, you wish you could re-visit?: No
What year in school do you wish you could redo? and why?: 1995 Because I was in the 11th grade with my own place.
If you change anything from your past, what would you wish to alter?: Hmmm....
**Wishes for the present**
What do you wish you could eat for dinner tonight?: Ribeye Steak and Baked Potato
Who do you wish was kissing you now?: Kent Few
If you had one wish, would you give it, save it or use it?: Save it 4 later
Do you wish you were somewhere else? Where?: No
Do you wish you could change anything about yourself?: My financial status
If you could change anything in the world right now, what would it be?: No more war
If you had to wish for someone else, who would it be?: My mom
**Wishes for the future**
If you could wish for a new car, what kind of car would it be?: 2008 Yukon Denali
If you had to wish for either a million bucks or love, what would you pick?: Love
Where would you wish to live in the future?: Not sure
Who would you wish to meet?: ???
What is your ultimate wish?: More wishes
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