Colonel Triangle profile picture

Colonel Triangle

A cartoon character from Flatland the Film!

About Me

Think you can match wits with me? Well guess what, maggot? Flatland Productions has opened up an interdimensional chat gateway to my dimension so that we can have an epic battle of the wits. Chat with me ---- if you DARE!

My Interests

Martial arts in two dimensional space.

I'd like to meet:

Sun Tzu. And more great people like the editors at YouTube who recently profiled one of my scenes on their front page! Thank you YouTube!


"Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner.


"The Green Berets" by John Wayne.


What is this?


Flatland by Edwin Abbott.


Alexander The Great

My Blog


Flatland is now on sale at and it was just reviewed by Film Threat Magazine: Film Threat Review! READ IT YOU MAGGOTS!And while you're at it, subscribe to Film Ladd's blogs. He'...
Posted by Colonel Triangle on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 05:20:00 PST

Intel Briefing on Me

Now here's the scoop! I'm a full-bird Colonel in the Southern Republic Army in the land of Flatland. I consider all chromatists, irregulars, and other such deviants as my sworn and mortal enemies.I ha...
Posted by Colonel Triangle on Thu, 25 May 2006 05:41:00 PST