...Other than the obvious, shopping, partying, wining and dining (being the classy bird that i am) and chilling with the girls!! butterfliesBEER MAN photography
Marlon Brando would be nice, but not likely to happen and i guess the mighty Old Greg!
love it all you know guys, literally, depending on my mood as long as i can dance to it, sing to it, shake to it or drift off to it. LOve it love it love it!
True Romance, The Shawshank Redemption, Dirty Dancing and Pretty Woman - timeless chick flick classics, napoleon dynomite, match stickmen - even tho it took me until 3 days later to work the ending out (mr kavanagh you can vouch for that!!)
old greg is my man
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The one and only She-Ra (thats He-Mans female side kick thingy) she is the coolestrespect for bob.