*!hollipop!* profile picture


throwing all morals into non-existenc

About Me

.Romance is dead,
It was bought by Disney and wallmart, and slowly sold off.
Piece by piece

My Interests

interests: you?

I'd like to meet:

Any1 u cud introduce me to =>

the man hu can make me feel INSANE but, without the actualy insane bit
sum1 hu dsnt hav to go out evrynite, and will just sit on the sofa with me with a big duvet

sum1 hu will make me a coffee if i ask, and not say "u no wer the kettle is"

a bloke hu will suprise me, but only RELE small things. like, me coming home, and finding him making dinner. it dsnt even hav to b a big dinner. pasta and pesto will do!

a guy hu wud no how to talk dirty, and not get shy around me

a guy hu dsnt ALWAYS hav to hav his arm around me, but understands wen it is the rite time to com over and stand with his arms around my waist

a guy hu will walk thru a pakd room, straight to me, wile his frends r all trying to get his attention, but i no iv got it

ooo, and sum1 hu kisses me on the neck

sum1 dsnt just stand ther and compliment me, but simply looks at me, and i no i look pretty

sum1 hu dsnt always hav to say i love you, but i no he does, so it wudnt matter if he ever even hinted it

can make me giggle!

a man hu will take me out to, well, knower special, but make it the best time he can. so i can look bak and wish i was ther again, no matter how we ended it ?

being able to play an instrument wud also b a good high point



well, as long as i can shake my ass to it.



hollys frends r kwl!


our PE lessons r better than urs....and u best no it!!!
BLATES!!!! ..And sherika!!!!!!!! ..


my heroes?
people who can fall, and stay in love
All of my frends mean the hole wide world to me. they r my family, and im not even sure theyv realised how special they r to me
so here they r, just so they know aswell.

♥hannah brimkow
♥milla vanilla
♥madam banana
♥johanna-shes purdy
♥hannah banana
♥fat annie
♥Emma-my russian lesbian lover
♥lars-prom date!hehehe
♥all my fellow busers!

♥HAL!my bear hunter
♥Ms.Foster-shes RELE good!
♥any1 hu will take me to southbank at nite
♥that 1 magical person hu lets me cry on their shoulder......
♥my personal peter pan

My Blog


1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be...
Posted by *!hollipop!* on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:57:00 PST