just stuff.. Ya know. music, reading, pong (i come to annihilate), barefootin, stargazing, dance partying, going uticazooin', comintayeahaaaaain', frisbee, being the most ghetto/hippie/redneck person in columbia county, fruit, sheepies, chillaxin'and yiddish..etc.
Nobody really,I'm quite content... but..if i must, some friends, you can never have too many, one condition...someone who's got their shit together... im going to start charging by the tissue!!i would say i would like people to be my best friends but i already have the bestiest bffs and boyfriend evah so HA!
say anything
brand new
Dirty Filthy Love, Winter Passing,300, The Harry Potters...any porn w/ cookies. (not writers bloc though, you cant follow the plot.),and Remember The Titans.
Nip tuck, Family guy, King Of Queens, and Will and Grace.
John Saul
da boi.
guh cha.