I'm Krissy. I'm married, have several wonderful children, and a husband who is just totally awesome. He rocks. So yeah. IThe A to Z Survey
1. A is for age: 22
2. B is for beer of choice: Miller
3. C is for career right now: Office Manager
4. is for your dog's name? None
5. E is for essential item you use everyday: toothbrush
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: I dunnow
7. G is for favorite game: Football
8. H is for Home town: Zion
9. I is for instruments you play: None
10. J is for favorite juice: Apple Juice
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: Jim..'s
12. L is for last place you ate: Home
13. M is for marriage: Definately! 4 years on Dec. 17th!
14. N is for your full name: Kristen Elizabeth Phaserman
15. O is for overnight hospital stays: Only when I had my kids
16. P is for people you were with today: About 20
17. Q is for quote: .."If I wanted your opinion, I..'d have issued you one!.." my old JROTC teacher
18. R is for Biggest Regret: Hmm....
19. S is for status: Married
20. T is for time you woke up today: 6 AM
21. U is for underwear you have on now: None
22. V is for vegetable you love: Carrot
23. W is for worst habit: Smoking
24. X is for x-rays you've had: A few
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: My home-made pork chops
26. Z is for the zodiac sign: Cancer
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