Born in Pawtucket, RI - Raised in Cumberland, RI. As defined by, Pawtucket is a "City just north of Providence in Rhode Island, not too big, but ranked the 2nd most unsafe city/town in Rhode Island after Providence in 2004-2005. Like the city's two high schools, most of the population is ghetto or white trash. Known as "the bucket. There are, however, at least a couple nicer neighborhoods such as Oak Hill, Darlington, and Fairlawn.... where "The parents of rich kids will speed to get out of the city while locking their doors and pulling up their windows, taking cover in Attleboro, MA or Cumberland. Once these rich kids are home in their half million dollar houses they will download the latest hip hop, R&B, Eminem or Snoop and pretend they live in Pawtucket without the fear of being beaten by a bat." (This was obviously written by a fool who never lived in Pawtucket.)
As for me, I can't complain. Well, I could, but who will listen! On a serious note, I have the perfect wife. She is an extremely caring individual and puts herself before everyone else - That's why she's a RN at Mass General Hospital. We've been together for over 6 years. We met while I was a Junior in college and have been together ever since. Our first place was an apartment in Pawtucket, then we bought a 3-family in the Elmhurst section of Providence. A year later, we bought a condo (Not in a complex) in Boston and have been here ever since. I owe her everything for who I am today. I couldn't have made it without her!