Not becoming another black statistic(meaning jail or dead)... just graduating from undergrad and then graduate school... working... anything to deal with foreign policy, debating, food- particularly seafood, playnig football/basketball -though I havent done it in awhile, reading random stuff, traveling and seeing the world, meeting new people, catching up with the older friends every now and then, staying out of the radar, just the things of life in general
Your Power Level is: 82%
You have all the tools you need to be a success - both professionally and personally.
You'll probably go beyond reaching your goals. You'll change the world (at least a little).
How Powerful Are You?
Kobe Bryant...Phil Jackson...Denzel Washington...Ben Roethlisberger...Hines Ward... Dan Rooney... Jerome Bettis... Coach Cohwer... basically the whole steeler crew...Jessica Alba.. i mean the list goes on... President Bush - both... Secretary of State Condi Rice... Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld - though I pretty much already did, stood by his office for awhile... Colin Powell... President Mubarak...Osama Bin Laden - so I can personally kill him...As you can see, there's alot of political leaders on this list...I mean, there's alot of people I want to meet, but there's also alot of people I've already met
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Pretty much, rap and r&b.. but I can listen to it all pretty much
Blackhawk Down War Movies in general Deja Vu The Gospel Munich Scarface 16 Blocks The Interpreter Inside Man Anchorman... ect
Usually watching something political (yeah, i know) if not that then watching sports (bball or football) or either watching CSI style stuff, gotta nice variety
You Are New York
Cosmopolitan and sophisticated, you enjoy the newest in food, art, and culture.
You also appreciate a good amount of grit - and very little shocks you.
You're competitive, driven, and very likely to succeed.
Famous people from New York: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Tupac Shakur, Woody Allen
Personality Questions
What is your name?: Andrew (AJ)
What is your middle name?: Jason
How old are you?: 20
What is your DOB: December 19th of 1985
What is your zodiac sign?: Sag
Where were you born?: Dover AFB, Delaware
Where do you live now?: hmmm good question, Illinois & Washington DC
Living arrangement?: House/ Apartment
How tall are you?: 5'10?
How much do you weigh?: 185
Do you cuss?: The F*... yeah every now and then
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: Nah
Favorite song?: Victory - Wu Tang
Gotten Drunk?: Oh yeah
Smoked a cigarette?: Nah
Smoked Marijuana?: Nope
Done any other drugs besides marijuana? If so..what?: ummm, does medical drugs count
Do you have any tatoo's?: Nope
Do you play any instruments?: Used to - the trumpet
Life Goal?: To be a positive force for change
Worst Fear?: have none, I'm at peace
What languages you speak?: some say I have created my own?
What Is Your Greatest Achievement?: Well, I hope to have an answer later in life
What is Your Favorite Color?: Blue
What Is Your Favorite Food?: Seafood
Do You Believe That We Landed On The Moon?: Yeah, why not
What is your worst fault?: You dont want to know...
What are the 3 things that you would bring on a deserted island?: Food, TV, and a woman
Do you think that politicians are generally sincere and do their best?: some are, some aren't
Is love more important than success?: nah... they go hand in hand to me
Do you have a burning ambition to be of great importance in the community?: i wouldnt call it a burning ambition... it's more of a interests
Would you like to appear on television?: Well, I plan on giving a couple speeches in my lifetime..
Do you enjoy horror films?: yeah, they're straight
What would you like to hear God say when you reach the pearly gates?: Job Well Done.. Welcome Home AJ
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: I see notice things all at once- the face, the body all of it
What's the most embarassing CD you own?: hmm, i dont have one
If you win the lotto, what would you do with the money?: INVEST majority of it, buy a crib and car, put a couple family members through college, ect
What's your favorite childhood memory?: Hangin with the crew over in Guam and Hawaii
What is your political persuasion?: I am a African American Conservative Republican
Do you believe in god?: Definately
Are you religious?: Yes
What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?: Here we go again, a new day to make difference
Have you ever broken a bone?: Nope
Would you ever participate in a threesome?: haha nope, but I know plenty who have
Have you ever been in a fistfight?: yeah... back in middle school for some punk calling me a n*
Who is your favorite person to talk to?: My dad (no offense Brooke)
Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?: younger - within a year from my current age... older - ive always dated girls older than me
Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?: Jessica Alba
What are you afraid of?: I fear nothing
Met a famous person?: yes
Where do you want to go/countries you want to see?: I've been all over the world, but I want to head to the Middle East, particularly United Arab Emirates
What do you want to do before you die?: As much as I can
How easily do you trust people?: Not very easily, I've been trained to trust but verify
How many DVDs do you own?: ALOT
Your ideal male/female is..what do you look for?: looks and personality
Does anyone tell you that you look like someone?: yeah... kobe bryant
Least favorite school subject?: MATH!
Favorite school subject?: Political Science/History
Have you ever rejected someone?: yes
Have you ever been rejected?: yes, it'd be a lie if i said otherwise
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