Diana profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi! We're Diana, and Jon...♥
We're married.
We're sharing this myspace.
We like writing letters,
playing Pokemon cards together,
and driving to far away places.
Diana plays violin,
and Jon sucks at guitar.

+ =

My Interests

Driving, Running, music, staying up late, violin, pizza, guitar, soulseek, having fun, asian food, being together, laughing, ketchup, cuddling, really long train rides, soy sauce, html, san fran, MJC, scarfs, reading, venus fly traps, you win cards, hoodies, pokemon, sneaking into the movies, flowers, effects, talking, hollywood holocaust, LOVE, bows and ribbons, phone hacking/modding, art, pedals, disneyland, computers, holding hands, shopping, Zune, MicroKorg, cartoons, ipod, firefox, ect.

I'd like to meet:

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label me.
