I have many interest, iam spiritual in my own way and have my own beleifs of history and it dont mean what i read is true. The term spiritual world connotes the afterlife for all spirits awaiting the resurrection of the physical body, as a temporary existence unseen by the physical world.~EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON ~
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all music ..but no counrty or rap!
scarey, comedy's ,action, and sci fi ,some drama's alright ,but try to avoid it who needs the added to the real life issues they have ,iam not a drama queen and prefer to keep those who are distant from me! no tolerance for them..
AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE RULES!!!!! I really dont watch alot of tv,if i do take the time to watch it's south park,simpson's,auqa teen 's these are my favorite and they make me laff ,iam not into any drama ... .real time or tv land style!!!!
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we love and respect.