Michael VickYou Are 100% New Jersey!
Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
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Its when tears and emotion cant describe your pain its like your in a room by urslef and no one can help you or answer your questions....heart pumping feet stomping pain getting worse, hands starting to sweat,you cant hear anyone because your mind is so onto one thing at the moment and then....im trying to tell myself your guna be fine and that i might see you again,but im just lying to myself,your on my mind all the time i shouldve tried to be a better friend when you were here even tho we were like best friends...everytime im in a tight situation and need to be motivated mentally in physichly...you seem to be always there and it seems to always work when i try when im picturing your face because i feel like i let you down for some reason you make me a stronger person you make me a better man...7/12/06 a part of me died... People are hopin ur still in ur room thats why they turn the knob, you thought u wouldnt be missed after you died but its been months and everyone still has R.I.P Rob-11/1/06 a guy i wish this would never happen to...such a good guy...never had problems with anybody....a big loss 5/26/07
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