dancing... making things... loving life... processing... evolving.....PLACE MOUSE OVER PHOTO TO READ CAPTION :)
I like straight up, friendly people who are conscious about the way they are in the world... great things can be achieved when there's no junk in the way... oh ya... and I'd love to meet people who want to create stuff together... that would be the best... And one last thing... please have a sense of humour... that's so important cause I like to be funny... and it's no fun if you don't "get it..." Well, actually, it's still fun for me... but come on... let's snicker and g-faaa... PEOPLE WHO I DON'T WANT TO MEET: COWARDS, people who are MEAN or LAZY. DON'T BARK UP MY TREE if you fit any of those descriptions...Photos by Dominic Brunet, Mark Brennan, Pepi, Stev'nn Hall, Loxley, Desmond & myself...
So much - Dance, Middle Eastern, World Beat, anything hypnotic and trippy... Oh and Beethoven's 9th... Karl Orff... Brian Eno... Death from above 1979... animal collective... on and on... All music for me is soundtrack so...
no..... try to stay away from it if better things to do.... I love being in the age of "Southpark" though... it makes me :) Samurai Jack - haven't seen it for a while... and of course - the muppets...
"Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad is hands down one of the most pivotal books in my life - read it at 15 and still think about it all the time - all those "flabby devils" out there make for good comparison. "The Plague"by Camus - another important one... along with "Lord of the Flies" by Golding,"The Power of Silence" by Castaneda,"Doors of Perception" and "Brave New World" by Huxley... I love Robert Anton Wilson and Timothy Leary and that whole gang of "merry pranksters"... There's also "Erotica" by Anais Ninn... and one of my favs - "Siddhartha" by Herman Hesse - it's so encouraging for a lone wolf like little old me - or for anyone who feels called away from the mediocre middleground... And How could I forget - "The Sirens of Titan" by Kurt Vonnegut. I felt like this book was one of my only friends when I was living in Japan... I am currently reading 4 books - "Paradox & Healing" by Michael Greenwood and Peter Nunn, "Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them" by Al Franken, "The Art of Dreaming" by Castaneda... That's all I can think of... but the truth is - I do more writing than reading. I'm very careful on what I take into my mind - People don't realize how sensitive the brain is...
Truth seekers are attractive to me in general...
Ya and... Life is hard so I think all people who work for the "light" are cool... Here's a list of some of them: Aung San Suu Kyi, Ghandi, John Lennon & Yoko Ono, Siddhattha, Naomi Wolf, Martin Luther King Jr....
Basically - all the prophets and visionaries through-out
the ages - especially the women who were never noticed or written about in history...
Finally, there are fabulous people everywhere man! RIGHT NOW... like respectful guys who know what it really means to love.... hahahahahaaaaaaa.... Let's just say that I like guys who actually "get it"... I hope there are some of you out there... ;)Your results:
You are Supergirl
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...