Reading, Cooking, Beading & other Crafts, Gardening, Traveling, Running and Hiking.
It's cool to connect with people I haven't seen or heard from in years. I also love meeting people who share my interests because there arent to many dorks out there like me...
Old Hip Hop, R&B, Oldies, Alternative, Old Rock, Reggae...even a little country.
Scary Movies!
Err, TV warps the brain! No, I record a few shows to watch after the muchkins are asleep...Martha Stewart, Bay Area Backroads, Criminal Minds and Army Wives.
I used to work at Barnes & Nobles part time just for the discount! I have so many books, I wouldnt even know where to start. Majority are cookbooks, but my fave authors are Julia Alvarez, Dave Peltzer and Colin Falconer.
Anyone who is selfless, giving and takes the time to make a difference no matter how small it may be. Anyone who has faced harship, pain and hurt and then overcome it with radiance. Those who use their experiences to help others. I could write a whole page of people who have inspired me but I will name a few ... Monica for giving me validation when no one else could, for without her my life would have taken a lot more wrong turns. My Grandmothers for always supporting me and cheering me on in all my blazing endevours and despairs. And of course Laura and every other cancer patient and survivor for inspiring me to keep doing the damn thing and reminding me that life is very short and that there is still so much more to do...