Japanese animation, comics, culture, etc. Much thanks to Arcanium for the count down thingy!!
In this section I will be posting what guests will be/have appeared at Sakura Con. Sakura Con 08 we will have:VIC MIGNOGNA- a very well known and very popular voice actor that came to Sakura Con 07
At 2006's Sakura Con we had Musical Guests CAMINO!! Camino is a hard-hitting rock band with an electronic infused sound. I saw them in concert and they rocked!!!We were on the top floor and I litterally thought the floor would give in with the way the audience was jumping. And yes their name sake was inspired by Star Wars, Camino was the planet the clones came from.
Sakura Con hosted quiet a few animes...really to many to name. They had from Final Fantasy Unlimited to Love Hina to Saiyuki. Basically just anime after anime after anime
uh....we did have commercials that aired on I think at least five different chanels. For 07's commercial listing as of now I don't know, but I will find it out...hopefully soon.
.....manga anyone? They have everything in the dealers room!! And I mean Everything!!!!
The Heros' of the con? Why none other then its Founders, Sponsers and staff!....whose names go on and on.O_O/ 07's Executive board! CHAIR: John Krall, VICE CHAIR: Daniel Harrison, SECRETARY: Erin Durdy, TREASURER: Rene Naddeo, OPERATIONS: Rob Warner, PROGRAMMING: Sean Larson, RELATIONS: Sabrina Cretella, and PUBLICITY: Elmira Utz