I luv 2 swim and dance also i luv to hang out wit my *bffls*cassy maci chelsea krystal yanni
Sexiness and Hottness
Favourite Color
Your Sexiness Level is 4
Your Hottness Level is 2
The Color You Look Sexiest In Purple
The Color You Look Hottest In Red
You Love is Amazing, Sexy, Hott, Enticing
You Are too hott to handle
This quiz by YoungAndCute1990 - Taken 1397 Times.
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I've met the best ppl ever Cassy,yanni,Krystal,Gabby!!!What better ppl could you meet in the world?
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Wut Kind Of Drink Are You
Your young, like to have as much fun as possible thats why your drink hpnotiq
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest YearbookDisplaySize='0'I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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Boot-boot-boot-booty music duh lol just kidding!! Anytype except for oldies really!!!
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What Degrassi The Next Generation Character Are You?
Your a total sex bomb showing your body off left and right
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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Anything that scares the crap out of me!!
adopt your own virtual pet!
U dont care wut i watch so why ask?!?!?
I hate 2 read!
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How blond are you?
True dumb blond
You may not be leagally blond but you are one DUMB ASS BITCH! do you notice ppl shaking there heads and rowling there eyes when you talk? no i didnt think so your prolly tp dence to notice. I bet you are the type of person that is only popular because you are hot!!!! but dont worry if you screw the dean you might get in to a decent college
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
Muh heroes are muh best friend cassy!!!xoxoxo luv ya Cassy