Visual Arts (high brow and low brow)-Films-Dance-Soccer-Candy-Boardgames-Boys-Musique-good books-good times had by all...
fun & festive folks from all walks of life...artistically inclined folks...thinkers
eclectic...pretty much everything holds my interest.
Darren Aranofsky, Martins Scorcsese, Quentine Tarantino, Jim Jarmusch, Fellini, Hitchcock, david Cronenburg, Lynch, Tim Burton,
If I do watch...Simpons, Seinfeld, Family Guy, OC (Guilty Pleasure...embrassed to admit), Law & Order, Grey's Anatony
Douglas Coupland everything, John Irving, Stephan King, Wally Lamb, "Curous George Flies a Kite," The Great Shark hunt (Hunter S-T), The Alchemist, Dr. Seuss
Curious George & Amelia Bedelia