Hi. My name is Alex Goot...
I am 20 years old, I live in upstate New York, and I write songs.
All of my music is 100% written, recorded, and produced by me (in my basement).
I have been doing this whole "thing" for about 4 years.
If you are interested in my recording gear, check out www.myspace.com/gooterrecords .
Enjoy and tell some friends!
CLICK BELOW to order " Arranged Noise "!
Arranged Noise
1 - A Major Change
2 - Self Portrait
3 - Alive
4 - Scared
5 - A Lot To Learn
6 - Stay For The Weekend
7 - Change For Yourself
8 - Brighter Skies
9 - Doctor's Orders
10 - Sad But True
11 - Geo
12 - Chasing A Dream
CLICK BELOW to order " Asleep at the Wheel "!
Asleep at the Wheel
1 - She's Got Dementia
2 - The Great Vendetta
3 - I'll Be Moving
4 - We Could Love
5 - Your Message
6 - Day to Day
7 - Asleep at the WheelNOTE: If you see someone in the room pretending to be me.. i promise you it is NOT me! When I am actually in the room I will change this disclaimer.