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Debbie "Lee"

Artist Management/Associate Music Producer

About Me

D e b b i e L e e
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My name is Debbie Perez. Family and close friends call me Lee. I am Caucasian/Filipino and I was born in Sampaloc, Manila Philippines. Yes, a very proud Mestiza! My love for music began at a very young age. The trumpet was my first brass instrument that I learned to play and I taught myself how to play the 12-string-guitar. I recieved a Band/Music scholarship that was only given to one Band member in my high school each year.
I have 3 beautiful and talented children! God is first in my life and my family follows right behind God. Being that I come from a Military family I did quite a bit of traveling during my childhood years and later joined the U.S. Army where I was trained as a Medical Specialist. I joined the Army Reserves at 17-years-old and later made the decision to go active duty. I enjoy traveling, seeing new places and learning their culture. As a child, my family and I spent 5 years in Edzell, Scotland. I miss the United Kingdom but I am sure I will return there for a visit someday! I was fortunate enough to spend 4 years in Europe and you can bet that my children and I took advantage of being there and made several trips into other countries such as France, Italy, Holland and Czecholslavakia! I have also traveled all over the United States. Our visit to Canada is one of our most memorable trips we took! Beautiful place!
I left the Army after having my first child and dedicated myself to being a mom and really being there for my children. I became not only the best mom I could be but also their bestfriend! I have learned a lot about life throughout the years and became a very strong woman. In 2003, my sister and I started a Feed The Homeless ministry. We are the founders of Power of Refuge & Strength Ministries in Corpus Christi, Texas. Today, I am the proud mother, Associate music producer and Manager of recording artist April Mestiya. I work with my fabulous daughter. Like most little kids with big dreams Mom is usually the first help a child will have along their path to success. April was singing before she could talk, so I started learning everything I could about the music business while she was small because I knew my daughter was going to be entertaining the world someday. At the age of 3-years-old, April took the stage for the first time singing in a Full Gospel Church in Schweinfurt, Germany.
Being a member of April's management team was very important to my daughter and I because I know her better than anyone else. I have worked with April everyday for 17 years. My expertese with April is needed on a daily basis.
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My Interests

Music & traveling.

I'd like to meet:

April's song "Closer" was Number 1 on Clear Channel Radio's young artists Latin chart. "Closer" was in the top 10 for 9 weeks.


R&B, HipHop, Dance, Techno, almost anything!

Model/Actor/Dancer: Laken


The Color Purple, Pretty Woman, Sling Blade, The Notebook


My Gorgeous Son....Laken Mestiya

My youngest.......Bryzen!


Nobody else deserves to be in my "Heroes" section except for God, my children and the men and women that serve our country.

My youngest.......MY BABY!

My Blog

Typhoon Fengshen

Our thoughts and prayers are with our family and many friends in The Philippines who have had their lives disrupted by Typhoon Fengshen.  God bless you all.April Mestiya, Debbie Perez & Frede...
Posted by Debbie "Lee" on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:01:00 PST

Let Me Share With You

Several days ago April completed her first live radio interview with Mr. Billy Dee of Jammin FM Washington, D.C.   I was completely lost for words as I heard April's single, "Missing Me" be...
Posted by Debbie "Lee" on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 06:21:00 PST