I love writing, photography, music, and poetry. One day I will be a huge success and wildly rich and famous, so get on board while you can. Check out my photos at www.flickr.com/photos/lastunicorn
I would like to meet MY MOTHER'S MOTHER. She could tell me a lot about why I am the way I am. I would like to meet MY BROTHER. He was who I am supposed to be. I would like to meet LAURYN HILL. She inspires me to be. I would like to meet OPRAH. She has the wisdom and success I desire. I would like to meet JESUS. One day I will.I would like to meet you (but I'm a little shy). Everyone has something to offer. What can you bring to the table? Make it positive. Make it strong.View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment
...is my one true love! It has been there for me when no one has and has helped create who I am. I love all types of GOOD music. Feed me...
They don't really like it when you bring brats into the movie theaters, so I'm really behind on my flicks! Here are a few old favorites though: Love Actually, Ever After, Rent, Brown Sugar, Amelie, Mulan, Love Jones, Kill Bill 1&2, Dreamgirls
Too broke to afford cable. (Wanna pitch in?) But I'm finding that I am addicted to Heroes and Grey's Anatomy.
I love a great book, but I'm ashamed to say that I don't read as much as I'd like. If you know of something I should read, let me know. I'll pick it up. If it sucks, I'll curse you out for wasting my time.
Now that I'm a parent, my MOTHER is my biggest hero in the world. She is amazingly strong and I aspire to be half the person she is.