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Myspace Layouts Myspace Generators Myspace Codes Myspace Backgrounds Myspace GraphicsMyspace LayoutsIntelligent, passionate, playful, fun, loyal, determined...----------------------------------------------------------
Surprise me - The people from whom we learn the most are never the ones we think we want to meet.
The kind that makes me FEEL! You know how it is when you hear a song and you can just feel it connecting with something inside of you? It's like that!!
Shawshank Redemption, American history X, Good Will Hunting, As Good As It Gets, Forest Gump, Scent of a Woman, The Departed, 40 Year Old Virgin, Dodgeball, etc, etc...
I don't really watch too much TV. I'd rather read. But I do like House and Law & Order. I can't stand reality TV -it's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, The Power of Now, Blink, The Tipping Point, The Four Agreements, My Sister's Keeper (& anything else by Jodi Piccult) and a million others! I am an avid reader and can easily get so absorbed in a book that I'll read it in a day, straight through without putting it down. Currently I'm reading The Bell Curve ... I've only gotten to page 10 ... wonder how that reflects on my position on said Bell Curve - LOL.
I know it sounds cheesy and cliche, but we all have it in us to be heroes.