GooD ConverSatiON, MuSic, Poetry, MoVies, CaRs (especially fast ones!), TRUCKS, Musical Talent, 3Being in Love 3, Driving around aimlessly, anything YELLOW, CooKing and Cleaning *weird huh?*, Off-roading (only if i am in the passengar seat!), SuShi, Trespassing, watching infomericals at 3am, GoinG to ConCeRts, saving my Ticket Stubs from MovieS and ConceRts, TakinG picTures, Being GoOfy, GiggLin, , FinDing CoOL gum (You gotta try -Trident Tropical Twist), CreaTiviTy, MaKing PeoPle Laugh, CreAting missiOns to coMpleTe, Laughing, GiVing AdViCe and PeoPle regretting NoT listeNin To Me, WriTing Poetry, gettin OUtta Town either near or Far, GeTTing Pedicures, sHopping *somebody please take my wallet from me*, DaYdreaMing, SLeePing, GiVinG MaSSages, PainTing, Coming Up witH NeW ProducT ideas and Not Getting them Patented, hanging out at Coffee Bean, UNO, PlaNNinG tripS, BaCkgammon (I know thats nerdy), playing Operation-Chutes and Ladders-and Yu-gi-oh with my little cousin, Gran Turismo, VEGAS, Listening To The WavEs, maKing SnOw AngeLs, PlaYing wiTh my haiR, coMing Up wiTh ScheMes *hehe im evil*, SUBARUS, Taking Care OF PeoPle, MaKe-UP!, BoYs that TeLL the TruTh, DaNcIng, waTching the Sunset, SiNginG aLong To evEry song I know AND dont Know, TrYing to Whistle, MoVin On, fiNDing BarGains, .. ShOpping, PuPPies and WhiTe RoSes.
Someone who appreciates me... understands when I make a fool of myself and over-react...and someone who always makes me laugh. Someone who knows how to indulge without going overboard. Someone who cares to...understand.... me. Someone who loves himself more than he loves me. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Dawnbreakers Collective, Jay Z, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Queen, The Vanity, Blue Scholars, Rage Against the Machine, Tara Ellis, Benny Cassette, Prince, John West, D'angelo, The Prodigy, Nirvana, Green Day, Smashing Pumpkins, Iodine, System of a Down, Biggie, Tupac, The Used, 311, Frank Sinatra, Kanye West, The Killers, Aqualung, Head Automatica, MEW, Fall Out Boy, Hoobastank, Lauryn Hill, Aaliyah, Michael Buble, Weezer, The Cure, Jack Mannequin, Jimmy Eat World, Sade, BT, Justin Timberlake, Deep Dish, Tiesto, Story of the Year, Trapt, Incubus, Frou Frou, Timbaland, Smashing Pumpkins, 50, Nelly Furtado, Method Man, Jack Mannequin, Mariah Carey, Britney, Fiona Apple, Pink Floyd, Offspring, Stone Temple Pilots, SIGNAL, Beastie Boys, The STruggling AcTors, N.E.R.D, TBS, Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani, No Doubt, Swollen Members, RHCP, B.E.P, 80's, early 90's and much much more..
Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Heat, Casino SuperBad!, A lot Like Love, The NotebOok, Grease, NapoLean Dynamite, Street Car named Desire, Casino, OcEans EleVen, The Godfather, ButTerfly effEct, Reservoir Dogs, Elf, WicKer Park,LiaR LiaR, FeaR and LoatHing iN Las VeGas, ThE RiNg, FigHt CluB, My BeSt FrieNds WeDding, GaRden STate, CLoSer, Out Of Time, 5th Element, Ferris Buellers Day off, SeVen, Bad BoYs 2, Big FiSh, GoLdMemebEr, ETeRnal SuNshine of The SpoTless mind, KiLL BiLL, CleRks, Go, 50 FirsT DaTes, ClueLeSS, BreaKfaSt Club, 16 candLes, The WeDDing DaTe, Lucky number Slevin, Happy Feet,The Holiday
Sopranos, House,Heroes, Nip/Tuck ,FaMilY GuY, Married with Children, WiLL and Grace, Sex In the City, Greys Anatomy, FriEnds, Saved By the Bell,The OC, SiMpsoNs, Boy Meets World,
Bridget Jones' Diary,The DaVinci Code, The Grapes of Wrath, To KILL a MocKingbird, LikE WaTer FoR ChOcOlate, He's Just not that Into You,
My Parents 3 and God