I think I stated my interests before. Right now I'm learning how to play "You and Me" by Lifehouse...I was really close to playing that song at one of my good friend's wedding recently and I'm really proud of the gifts I have been given so I try to be mindful of them. I love love love sports and maybe the fact that I used to play football and basketball reminds me how alive a person can feel when on a field with other men all striving for a purpose. It truly is a metaphor for life. Also hit me up if you like the show "Lost"...I love the show and hey maybe we can talk about it...
Maya Angelou, Bill Clinton, Emilio Estevez, My Cousin (R.I.P.), John Mayer, Eric Clapton, Amy Lee, Talia Filipek, Steven Spielberg, Rocky Marciano, Sylvester Stallone, Martin Luther King Jr, and Jon Stewart.
I love anything with a solid melody. Other than that, I love the acoustic guitar and such. Favorites include: Rufus Wainwright, Jason Mraz, Damien Rice, and Dave Matthews. I also like Evanescence, Oasis, Billly Joel, 50, Em, Tupac, and just about a million other very different from one another artists.
I like Unbreakable, The Sixth Sense, The Ring, Love and Basketball, Shawshank Redemption, American History X, West Side Story, and The Wizard.
"Lost" is my favorite show right now with "Seinfeld", "Family Guy", "24", and "Law and Order: SVU" following. I hate reality shows so that's stupid, but my all-time favorite would have to be "Sportscenter" and if you don't think that's a television show then you're wrong. It's the only one good enough to air over 5 times a day...I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Lost City, Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, Frankenstein, Sahara, The Rule of Four, C.S. Lewis, Harry Potter (I know I know...), and Silent Night
My parents...they have inspired and given me all that I am. My father worked graveyard shift for most of my life just so I could be where I am today. After that my one true hero would be Martin Luther King Jr. He embodied everything I ever hope to stand for. The courage and drive he demonstrated should be the goal of anyone who's ever wanted anything in their life. To die for a cause is something I could never dream of and for that I love and respect him as a human being and crusader.And also my number one man...the one whom I identify all my character traits with...the one ....the only....