HIGHER Education!! *cough, cough* Finding the gas station with the cheapest gas!! Being "That Guy". Rap connoisseur, Lyrical Specialist, Style Tacticianist. Michigan State and the Lakers!! Go Green!! Lake Show!!
Any person that makes over a Billion a year!! I'd like to know where they started and how they climbed the ladder of Success!!
More Graphics @ MySpaceAntics.com
Rap. Main stream, underground, long as it's good!! Jay- Z, Brotha Lynch Hung, X- Raided, 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks, G-Unit, Cam'Ron, Twista, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Kool G. Rap, Scarface, Ice Cube, N.W.A., Too Short, Run- D.M.C.(I'mma Old Skool Nigga). LANSING'S UNDERGROUND SCENE: Lansing iz my Home!! SHOUT OUTS GO OUT TO: D.J. Unknown, Species, Liserious Labz, Mony Da Hustla, D.J. Mike G, Mizfit, Christopheles, D.J. D- Boy, Big Perm and S.D.E., 51/7, Mad Mone, ....errboday knows Ex- Prezident holds the set down like this was Congress.
Menace II Society, Belly, 300, King of New York, Goodfellas, SCARFACE (of course), American Gangsta, Casino, Kings and Queens of Comedy, Latham Entertainment Presents, Never Die Alone, Formula 51, ALL of the Star Wars movies, Trading Places, Godzilla and King Kong movies, and best of all PORN!!
Yes.......I have one.
With words in them. The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth novel is a good one.
My momma, My grandmomma, My Ain't (Aunt)Mary, Uncle Luther "Luke" Sims, Sr.(R.I.P.), (Big Cuz/ Uncle) Luther Sims, Jr. (R.I.P.), Great- Grandaddy Oscar "Bud" (R.I.P.), Grandaddy Willie "Billy" (R.I.P.), Daddy Brown (R.I.P.), Ain't (Aunt) Chester (Mae) R.I.P., Big Bro L.D., Lil' Bro D.C., never last and never least.....GOD.