Wassup people, iam a professional HipHop dancer/Choreographer and print model(YRBmag, Black Hair mag, Launch mag) i'v been blessed to work and meet plenty recording artist(hit me i'l tell ya who)...Shout out to the AmountBoyz, i got my start with them, i was with them for 2 yrs thats where i got most of my training, we had some differances, so we split but no love lost, there's enough out there for all of us(SO LET'S GET IT!!)
I'm now currently in a R&B group called "K.I.N.G.S"(guess what it stand for?)I dont wanna give out to much info, just lookout for us its about to go down....Donj, Jordan yall my dudes for life...
I also love goin to church(YeS dA kId Go'S 2 ChUrCh, GOD IS GOOD) , and love my church fam, i promise imma change the game(NEWLIFE knows exactly wut im talkin about).....I have about 1.5mil family members(lol) Mom(my luv), Damian(Wamo/1 my idols), Tre(big bro) John(blaya/protege), Tika(big sis) Nikki(other half, thanx 4 da page), Dana(my baby), Ray, Punkin(dogg/mini me), Aaron(bop), Kristain(chinny bop), Amanda(eeuejeebeklrdu....mally..lol) Ileana(juno)....LOVE ALL YALL!!!!! Thats wut im about, wanna hear more?????? NOOO!!!!!LOL.