In 2007 I hope to keep my job, have enough money to pay for all my court shit, get a new computer, ipod since mine was stolen, and some subs for my car, keep going to the gym and not smoke weed so much as last year. I will turn 21 so I hope that doesnt land me into any trouble. I also hope to find a relationship that is not abusing but is perfect in every way, or mostly every way. Someone who loves the hell outta me. That would be the perfect ending to a year of which has already started out shitty.
In 2006 I did buy the honda civic ive always wanted, got something from victoria secret, started being a klepto and did coke, but i quit both of those. Never did get the new laptop or the friends I've always wanted.
In 2005 I started smoking weed and drinking alcohol. I started partying and dating. I finally opened up.
In 2004 I learned how to Surf, Snowboard, Wakeboard, and best of all Paintball. I also got saved. And i graduated from high school. Wow what an amazing year. One letdown, im still missing my grandma. She died August 9, 2003 of Pancreas cancer. We miss you grandma!
People i already know. I am tired of immature bitches that are like 15 trying to act cool, and using me for rides and money. No friends under 18. Peroid!!! I am also tired of stupid guys who I have never talked to or met, messageing me and saying they want a relationship with me. I DONT WANT TO HAVE SEX!!! You can not truely "love" someone you have only seen pictures of. Also,
I Miss U Grandma!
"Painting, creating, imagining, all these things make for a beautiful world. Share your gifts and knowledge with others without expectations of reward and you will be rewarded a million times over."
Pat Combs (my grandma)
What is lovely never dies,
But passes into other lovliness,
Star dust or Sea-foam, Flower, or Winged air.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
(this was on her memorial paper, this is what i fully believe in)
Read This Bitches!!!
I listen to alot of stuff I like rap, rock, alt. anything that grabs my attention. Right now some of my favorites are Biology, Death Cab for Cutie, and Yesterdays Rising. I used to like Creed a lot too, they were pretty good I just got tired of the same cds.
My favorite movie is The Notebook. Another one is White Oleander. It kinda reminds me of my life. Everyone says I look like Uma Thurmon the gurl from kill bill. What do you think? Check my pics i have a pic of her you can compare to me...of course if you want to.
Whatttt? Oookay!!! Dave Chappelle all the way. I dont really watch tv any more it just bores me. I would much rather waste my time on the computer then the TV.
Books? LOL who reads books! I hate to read its like breathing water.
My grandma