David profile picture


im polish!!not irish!

About Me

This profile was edited with MySpaceGrill Editor

Hey I'm a 16 year old teenager with a beauitful girlfriend named Haley. I play pro/am paintball. I have been playin paintball for about 5 years now. I like extreme sports and playin paintball, and hangin with the girlfriend!

My Interests

paintball, girlfriend, paintball and playin sports.

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet nicky cuba again and big Rich Telford.or just the whole XSV team!


i love techno, rock, and anything that intrests me!


paintball, and anything that i would not be bored watching


anything not retarded!


i hate reading with a passion unless its paintball magazines.


my parents cause i dont what i would do without them! And those crazy guys/and girls that have always have always been there.(Elmo,Matt,Riley,and most of all Haley)

My Blog


Paintball SurveyDo you prefer woodsball or speedballspeed ballDo you prefer NPPL/PSP or XballxballWhich is your favorite team(s)XSV,ironmenWho is your favorite player(s)nicky cuba,rich telford, ollie ...
Posted by David on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 08:55:00 PST