~*♥KaYLa♥*~ profile picture


knew i would pull out my heart and bring it right to you. You knew all about me Baby, but you wasn't

About Me

Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & LayoutsMy best friend is the one i don't have to talk to everyday, who understands why i didn't take their advice to not call him, or why i keep going back to him after he broke my heart, the one who call me at 4 am to let me know they're drunk, who listen when they've heard the same story a thousand times, the one who will just call to say hi, and even if i am passed out, wasted with vomit dried to my face - they'll turn and say 'Hell yeah, that's my best friend'!!!!
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layouts
Graphics & Layoutsfound this fashion layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayouts

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

MarIaH CArEy, PaUl WaLkEr, BuN B,T.I.,HaYsTaK,
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Myspace Codes - Online Dating Site


i LiKE aLl dIFFeREnT kInDS oF mUSiC. aS lOnG aS iT HaS A gOoD bEaT ANd mEANiNgFUl lYRiCS.
Graphics & Layouts


vARSiTy bLUeS,tHe dEvIL's rEJEcTS, bAd bOYS 2,gOOdFeLLaS, wIsE gIrLS, HoW hIGh, AnYTHiNG fUNNy oR sCArY!Take the quiz:
Which celebrity beauty are you? (Pix)

Jessica Simpson
You are the classic beauty! Your style is simple and seductive. You have a sweet personality and this is reflected through the way you dress.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


lAW aND oRdER iS My faVOrITe!!! oTHeR tHaN tHAT iT'S aLL mTv AnD bEt.


nO pRoMISeS iN tHE wiND- iReNE hUNt, aNYtHING bY deAN kOONtZ oR sTeVEn kInG


mY moMmY!!!my lil brother Austinmy bestest friend in the WHOLE wide world!!!Nita

My Blog

FrIeNdS aRe FoReVeR (mY aSs)

Over the past couple weeks, I've experienced alot of things that have really opened my eyes. I reaize now that people can be even more shallow than I thought. Even the people u think u are closest to....
Posted by ~*♥KaYLa♥*~ on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:56:00 PST