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MarIaH CArEy, PaUl WaLkEr, BuN B,T.I.,HaYsTaK,
Graphics & Layouts
Myspace Codes
- Online Dating Site
i LiKE aLl dIFFeREnT kInDS oF mUSiC. aS lOnG aS iT HaS A gOoD bEaT ANd mEANiNgFUl lYRiCS.
Graphics & Layouts
vARSiTy bLUeS,tHe dEvIL's rEJEcTS, bAd bOYS 2,gOOdFeLLaS, wIsE gIrLS, HoW hIGh, AnYTHiNG fUNNy oR sCArY!Take the quiz:
Which celebrity beauty are you? (Pix)
Jessica Simpson
You are the classic beauty! Your style is simple and seductive. You have a sweet personality and this is reflected through the way you dress.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
lAW aND oRdER iS My faVOrITe!!! oTHeR tHaN tHAT iT'S aLL mTv AnD bEt.
nO pRoMISeS iN tHE wiND- iReNE hUNt, aNYtHING bY deAN kOONtZ oR sTeVEn kInG
mY moMmY!!!my lil brother Austinmy bestest friend in the WHOLE wide world!!!Nita