Cars, Trucks, Guns, Hunting, Boys. Basically anything that goes fast and looks good and can get me in trouble I like. Music is a big part of my life. I'd die without it. I'm a hand on kinda girl that lives day by day and enjoying life.
I'd like to me you. Ready, Set, Go!
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What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Dr. Pepper
Beverage (alc) ? Patron
Color ? Purple
Food ? Fajitas
Item of clothing ? my beat up jeans
Meal of the day ? any meal
Feature on yourself ? eyes
Quality in a guy/girl ? personality
Phrase ? Just roll with it
Song ? Shut up and Dance -- Aaron Watson
Musical Artist/Band ? Too many to name
Sport ? Football
Movie ? CaddyShack
TV Show ? Law and Order
Radio Station ? that depends on where I am
Type of Chocolate ? dark chocolate
Eye Color ? blue
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? my kitty sharkbait
Smoke ? nope
Drink ? oh yeah only with friends though
Have any piercings ? my ears
Have any tatoos ? nope thinkin about gettin one though
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend nope
Had sex ? yeah not in a while though
Gone streaking ? nope
Gone skinny dipping ? yeppers a few times
Been to Europe ? want to
Been to an island ? yeah
Had stitches ? yep
Broken any bones ? nope luckily
Been stabbed/shot ? no
Slept until after 12:00 ? yes a few times unintentionally
Stayed up all night ? many times
Danced like a whore ? never....
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? nope
Turned down a dare ? maybe one....
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Cliffton
Is the prettiest ? Stefany
Is the most handsom ? Ross
Is the loudest ? Chris
Is the craziest ? Chris and Cliffton
Is the most shy ? Lawrence
Is the most loving ? Kristen
Is the most understanding ? Lawrence
Is the most boring ? dont have any
Is the richest ? no clue
Is the most athletic ? James
Is the most cocky ? Cliffton
Is the biggest sex icon ? No idea
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Daniel
Do you look up to the most ? Lawrence
Do you tell everything to ? Lawrence, Kristen, Britny
Has the best clothes ? Lawrence
Has the best house ? Aaron
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? no
Kiss someone of the same sex ? have before
Cheat on someone you love ? nope
Run away from home ? have in the past
Lie to your parents ? always
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? only a few times
Lie to your best friend ? if it will help the situation
Give a homeless person money ? nope
Run from the police ? depends on what I did
Bungee jump ? nah
Sky dive ? on the to do list
Cross dress ? nope
Be an exotic dancer ? possible but most likely not
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? never it's just rude
Scuba dive ? want to
Go rock climbing ? sounds like fun
Go spulunking (caving) ? deffinately want to do this
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? meh anger problems
Bologna ? has a first name it's OSCAR....
Hott ? my future husband
Orange ? cones
Real world ? sucks big time
Fuck ? what happened?
Jack ? Daniels
Cucumber ? pickels?
Hip-Hop ? fun to dance to
Uniform ? sexy
UniCORN ! ? mystical creature
Rainbow ? pretty
Clown ? creepy
What Kind of Chevy Should You be Rollin' in?
Silverado 2500
This tough ass truck is all you want to drive. You drive it wherever it's muddy and far up into the hills!
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