So, I saw these people with FUCK TOP8 for their top 8, and decided to try it. Except I found it difficult to find all of the letters once I lost the homepage I found it on, as those top 8 letters didnt link to each other on their page. I also found it a bit annoying that "FUCK TOP8" was all you could right. So I sat out to make my own top 8 letters. I will start with the common F, U, C, K, T, O, P, and 8, and will add the rest as I go, until I have the entire alpahbet. I am also planning on doing duplicates of some of the more commonly used letters.
So, here are the links to all of the other letters I have so far:
8 A B C D F E K O P T U
I adopted
this dusty bunny from
Jesse & Jessi
Dust Bunnies!