x|meatatarian|x profile picture


im the bomb, like tic tic

About Me

--Name's Daneka, aka DJ...
--I live in Suffolk but im originally from virginia beach. I wouldnt mind moving bac to va beach, but i guess its not suppose to be...
--Im grateful for the good, close friends i have in my life. all of you are awesome and dont have any idea how much of an impact you have on my life. we all have our pms moments but its all good...im always down for meeting new people.
--Love is great when you are in it, but once you lose it, its hard to fall back into it. I believe love can be complicated and can switch on you at anytime. Love has always been a problem for me but right now, im very content.
--i love music, its the best thing. i dont kno what id do without it. i can always depend on music.
--im into art, anything from drawing to poetry.
--im a dork(i admit it) i like to be crazy, have fun and make a fool of myself if necessary.
--i love my mom, shes my support, without her i dont kno if i could make it in the real world. me and her have our arguements but at the end of the day, we still care for each other.
--my Dad died December 15th 2006. Probably one of the worst days of my life. Coming home from a hard day of work to receive a phone call from this "random" lady telling me that my dad jus passed away the same morning...the feeling of losing him still hurts badly but im tryin to deal.
--i hate drama so theres no room for it around me, capeesh?! i hate liars and two-faced people. im really nice unless you do somethin incredibly terrible to me then yea, youll feel my wrath or lack there of. So if you have ever talked bad about me or anyone that i kno like that, dont even bother talking to me, jus forget about it.
--i go to TCC in portsmouth, maybe you have or will see me around Its pretty chill there at the moment tho. Plannin to transfer to ODU, Regent Univ. or wherever afterwards to become an artist(graphic design), actress, and/or bball player.
--Thats basically it for now, If theres anything else you care to stick your nose in lol, just IM me at djcuddles14(aol) or iluvlp05(yahoo)

You Are a Coy Flirt!

You're not so much a flirt as the type of girl who draws flirts in
While you look like you're just relaxing, secretly you've got your game on
A little look here, a little wink there... you give men the encouragement they crave
And in return, they flirt up a storm with you - while you just sit and smile
What Kind of Flirt Are You? Take This Quiz :-)
Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.
Which Victoria's Secret Angel are you?

Tyra Banks
You are easygoing, sweet, and care for others!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

being cool haha, love, kissing, cuddling, giving and recieving hugs, playing xbox/ps2, basketball, golf, tennis, field hockey, or anything else, listenin to loud rap/rock music, guitar(i have 2 that i barely play), drawing and writing, laughing, making you laugh, skittles, candy, chocolate, twix, emo boys in tight pants, cute emo hair, converses, nike, i go online alot, studded belts, sleeping is always nice, going to concerts, meeting new people, hanging out wit my good friends..or anything else that comes to mind.
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Kermit, funny,charming, and a leader!
Everyone seems to like you, and some people

What Muppet Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Take the quiz:
Which color Chucks are you?

Original Black Chucks
You are the classic, original Chuck Taylors. You are old-school and have a love for the good old days. Everyone likes and recognizes you. You are one of a kind.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Lucille Ball, Janis Joplin(if they werent dead). Ellen Degeneres. Kathy Griffin. Janet Jackson. P.O.D. Linkin Park. Angelina Jolie(oh gosh shes gorgeous)

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... light up a day
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... unique

Quiz created with MemeGen !
You are Napoleon Dyanamite and a buttload of gangs
are trying to recruit you.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are sad because you are suppressed

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

you are a Mousy Cutie. you're not a mouse or anything but you act shy and
quiet. you are a really good person though,
your very nice and you're willing to help out
anyone in need. good for you!

what kind of cutie are you?(with cute pics and lots of results!!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Leave me a comment DAMMIT!!!

haha sorry, thought you were someone else


linkin park-- fort minor--p.o.d--incubus--papa roach--rage against the machine--nirvana--korn--slipknot-- system of a down-- staind--chevelle--bush-- three days grace-- breaking benjamin-- sevendust-- matchbox twenty--rob thomas-- john mayer-- jason mraz-- gavin degraw--justin timberlake--jay-z-- nas--common--notorious b.i.g-- usher-- amerie-- beyonce'-- talib kweli-- the roots, cassidy, kanye west, jadakiss-- N.E.R.D(pharell williams)-- the black eyed peas-- the used-- my chemical romance--bullet for my valentine-- hoobastank--story of the year--letter kills--alkaline trio-- armor for sleep--poison the well-- postal service--relient k-- boxcarracer-- as i lay dying-- silverstein-- coheed&cambria-- the killers-- gorillaz-- emery-- thrice-- thursday--dashboard confessional--maroon5-- killswitch engage-- adema-- aaf-- mudvayne--underoath-- motion city soundtrack-- funeral for a friend-- jimmy eat world--hot hot heat-- modest mouse-- three days grace-- deftones-- fall out boy--anberlin-- hawthorne heights-- switchfoot--bloc party--action action--head automatica--chiodos-- panic!athedisco--the academy is--the audition--bayside--aiden--from first to last--hellogoodbye--gym class heroes....dude, theres more.

Emo! You're very in touch with your emotions and
that's what I like about you! It's all about
the music for you... I have pity for your
tortured soul...you're just like me...
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Mike Shinoda

If you had the chance to meet 1 linkin park member who would it be?
brought to you by Quizilla Take the quiz:
Who is your emo boyfriend?

your so cool! you love to sing and scream in your songs. you also write your songs with feeling and emotion.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


Birds, that Roger Rabbit movie, Time Machine, Sixth Sense, Lord of the Rings 1-3, catwoman(wit halle berry), sugar&spice, gladiator, Ali, freaky friday, IT, storm of the century, enough, scary movie 1-3, Office Space, the haunting, house on the haunted hill, duel at diablo, a few good men, 28 days, tommy boy, black sheep, gia, tomb raider 1-3, Godfather 1-3, aladin, the darkness, red eye, crazy/beautiful, Napoleon Dynamite, the mightiest, tootsie, summer stock, the good son, What Women Want, 10 things i hate about you, shes all that, hanging up, gothika, just married, the terminal, lords of dogtown, saw 2, any stephen king movie, alot like love, a walk to remember, foxfire, saw 1-3, the notebook, 300, pursuit of happiness....i want some popcorn now...


mindfreak-criss angel(you should look at that show, the dude is crazy!), mad tv, family guy, Reno 911, fear factor, futurama, hey arnold, rockos modern life, ren & stimpy, saturday night live, Ellen Degeneres show, will&grace, Fresh Prince of Bel Air, any movie on Lifetime, WNBA, Lost, amazing race, america's funniest home videos, cops, american idol, girlmore girls, What i like About You, life as we know it, Punk'd, Wildn Out, andy milonakis show and i'm somewhat sucked into the reality shows and Law&Order:CI, that show on TLC bout them "small people" haha, it takes a theif ...Note: Pimp my Ride is so annoying.

You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?


Jimmy Hendrix! Lucille Ball, My Mom, Grand/GRANDPA-- R.I.P DR. THOMAS BLAND 2/27/05--
Name: Daneka Janel Jackson
Birthday: September 1st, 87
Birthplace: Virginia Beach, Va
Current Location: in my house, in Suffolk, Va
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'10 i think
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right handed
Your Heritage: uh....
The Shoes You Wore Today: my white ones
Your Weakness: To be honest, Girls?
Your Fears: That I may never be happy, and if someone close to me dies, God Forbid.
Your Perfect Pizza: Smothered with cheese and sausage
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Passing, maybe getting Honor Roll
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "Yeaaaa"
Thoughts First Waking Up: Why oh why so early?! and Another boring day!
Your Best Physical Feature: my eyes, at least thats what they say
Your Bedtime: anytime, whenever i start to drift off
Your Most Missed Memory: So pathetic, I cant think of anything that I miss right now.
Pepsi or Coke: neither but if desperate I choose-Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds but food is food!
Single or Group Dates: Doesnt really matter to me, but single is very nice.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Tea's good, period so BLAH
Chocolate or Vanilla: Choco-late'
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Do you Smoke: Have before but dont kno if i want to make it a habit
Do you Swear: It slips, cant help it sometimes
Do you Sing: Actually I do, Shhhh!
Do you Shower Daily: yes, DUH!
Have you Been in Love: Yeaaa, Love sucks 8-(
Do you want to go to College: Yes, Im kinda ready.
Do you want to get Married: Someday, of course.
Do you belive in yourself: Not much confidence.
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nah
Do you think you are Attractive: Not really but I guess i'm ok looking.
Are you a Health Freak: Uh sorta, i like food though.
Do you get along with your Parents: Specially with my Mom, I love her to death. Dont talk to my Dad much.
Do you like Thunderstorms: As long as the power doesnt go out, it is ok.
Do you play an Instrument: Yep guitar and piano
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nah
In the past month have you Smoked: haha yes?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nah
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Unfortunately no
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Cant remember?....Wait, yes.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: I LOVE OREOS, with milk!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Ewwwwie!
In the past month have you been on Stage: Yes, I help out.
In the past month have you been Dumped: Mainly just rejected but whatever.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nah
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Nope, arent ya glad
Ever been Drunk: Nope
Ever been called a Tease: Nope, people tease me *cries*
Ever been Beaten up: Nah, not me
Ever Shoplifted: Hmmmm no
How do you want to Die: In my sleep so i wont have anymore pain then if i was alive still.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Happy and Rich by making other people happy.
What country would you most like to Visit: Probably somewhere in Europe..
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Any color, really....I'd love to jus gaze deeply into your eyes forever.
Favourite Hair Color: Im not picky
Short or Long Hair: Either one is sexy....I like the way you push your hair behind your ear.
Height: i would prefer someone same height or taller than me but its ok.
Weight: Just take care of yourself, please.
Best Clothing Style: Be yourself, but uh the whole punk/goth thing is attractive.
Number of Drugs I have taken: NONE at all
Number of CDs I own: Uh, like up to 25 or 30
Number of Piercings: NONE....yet....KATIE, WHERE ARE YOU?! lol
Number of Tattoos: NONE....but sooner or later i probably will, nothing major though.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: I regret ever caring....
been kissed.. yes but not recently
lied to a friend.. it's normally something i wouldnt do.
dyed ur hair had brown in it at one time but nothing major yet. Ive thought about either blue or red tho.
dressed punk ive got my own style i guess ya could say. the whole punk thing is cool tho.
kissed a girl yep, good times haha
saw something u didnt want to aw hell yes, on many occasions. it sucks
danced in the rain "i'm singin in the rain, im singin in the rain, whata glorious feeling..."...
lied to ur parents nobodys perfect.
went barefoot in the snow are you outside your freakin mind?! who the heck would do that?!
played hockey Field hockey? yep use to play back in the day in P.E
made ur own clothes nah but mommy made a custom prom dress for me senior year.
got in a fite nah but are you a scrapper, i'll take you! lol
took a shower yep so fresh so clean
gave a dirty look to someone no thas not me. only if youre absolutely deserve it.
cried=( actually no not today. but i do ALOT
did a cartwheel i dont kno what youd call what i was trying to attempt lol
went to school nope, im a freakin H.S graduate...im goin to TCC soon.
shopped yep, i forget what for tho
danced i am a dancin foo man! you havent seen my moves have you?!
got sick not much physically but my head is hurting at the moment.
did something u regret not today no? havent done much.
discovered something new i learn something new every day! good or bad.
run to class because ur always late dont run, keep coo. i dont recommend being late tho. But, ive ran faster than light and still made it in time.
act perfect no one is perfect, therefore, i am myself.
act hyper ....did you not hear me the first time?! haha geez.
are a nerd im not the brightest crayon in the box.
in band?? nope but i use to want to be.
in ur pjs nah i am tired tho.
drinkin some water..water is good. im dehydrated rite now.
listening to music im always listenin to music.
watching a movie there was a crap load of movies on earlier, it was hard to choose.
iming someone not chatting with anyone.
talkin on the fone you dont kno me very well, i barely talk on the phone.
eating twix, i love chocolate if you havent noticed already.
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch hmmm first choice would be hot topic all the way!
thongs or briefs thongs. 8-P
boxers anyone?!?! say what...are you wearing boxers?
sweatpants or jeans both are equally comfy but i wear jeans.
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve most of my shirts are short sleeved.
tube tops or tanks tanks.
current clothes black shorts and white wifebeater
current mood head hurts so it makes me a tad more depressed than usual.
current music all american rejects. By the way, go out and buy the new cd-move along!
current taste no taste at all, im thirsty for rootbeer.
current make-up i dont wear makeup so wont have to worry bout that one.
current thing I ought to be doing more than likely...sleeping
you hugged Last time i checked, you.
yelled at i dont yell at people.
IMed. katie but she got offline right now.
you touched you! nah j/k
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate tried coffee before but hot chocolate is better to me.
big or little medium? haha...depends on what youre speaking of.
lace or satin whatever feels or looks good.
new or old keep it ol schoo! but new is nice, indeed!
vogue or cosmopolitan to be honest, i dont kno, i dont read any of those but i guess cosmo.
skirt or dress on my girly girl days, id wear a skirt!
wool or cotton almost everthing is made outta cotton isnt it..apparently not.
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" pretending like i am ok when im really not? yes
have a crush on someone yea doesnt get me anywhere half the time.
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it somewhere on my forearms
waht is the online symbol u use the most whatever i feel like using, GOSH! hehehe i lus napoleon.
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend nah neither, wouldnt mind tho but im not worried about it because i quit on that long time ago.
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray theyre both hott but um, i like josh more.
what was the last thing you said cant remember. bye? does that count?
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with whoever can tolerate me fo that long period of time.
do you like stickers the lisa frank sticker phase is over. you got some?
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored no...
are you suicidal wow, whataquestion. you sure you want the answer to that?
is your window open no. the blinds are closed too right now.
what was the last pair of shoes you bought the white heels from grad. day that i'll probably never wear again.
do you have a little brother nope, i have a little sister.
does he draw you cute pictures SHE does, she takes after me-being the artist that i am! haha
where do your grandparents live in Dayton, Ohio
what do you think of when you hear the word click what button?!
are you a moron i have my moments. i can be a complete idiot.
do you like trampolines yes, mommy and daddy never got me one! *tear*
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum i think it was a shoelace or part of the rug. i got it out, dont worry.
did you see American Pie 2 yea are ya kiddin. have you seen it?
do you cut yourself who told you that? Wont lie and say that i dont.

My Blog

rude people.

you guys kno me pretty well right? You kno that I usually dont get annoyed too easily. I pretty much let things go in one ear and out the other. Or try not to let many things bring me down when it com...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 08:59:00 PST

it is wat it is[fall]

so its been awhile since we've last caught up...well, started fall semester again a few weeks ago. only change is that jessica is in all my classes, so shes gonna try to make sure i do show up for cla...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 07:40:00 PST

spring up my ass.

im somewhat in the same position i was from the last blog i posted. i mean, ive been meeting new people alittle bit to chill wit while still attempting to keep in touch wit my old suffolk friends.that...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 11:21:00 PST

this has not been my month.

how can so much crap happen to me in one day, with no distance from each other?! a few people are upset with me and arent giving me a chance to even breathe without shoving the past down my throat. li...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 02:00:00 PST

"blessing" in disguise?

just talked to mom about how ive been feeling lately(the past month and a half). i had been crying since 6ish after i dropped jessica off. hanging out wit her has been really great. shes definitely a ...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 05:14:00 PST

whata summer it has been

this summer has been something. hot and fustrating. first couple of wks into the summer wasnt too bad, got to hangout wit chris alot at the beach and whatnot. saw some friends alil more i guess. jessi...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 12:02:00 PST

crash. ouch.

it was definitely the scariest moment of my life. i wish i couldve spoke up or mayb not have went along but i think going was the best and worst thing that could happen to me yakno. i dont think you m...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 04:15:00 PST

st pats/7card stud!!

the last couple of days have been pretty good for me. Been out with friends and still have been applying places. I applied at Papa Johns and um, Sonic last Friday. felt kind of accomplished. ...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 10:21:00 PST

i wish.

i wish that i could get rid of all my insecurities. It has always gotten in the way of me trusting other people, including Chris. Its pretty sad, but he and I sort of kno that i cant help it. I wish t...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:21:00 PST

R.I.P Dad?!

-not titled yet-(wrote this at chris' house after i got the news) Why did my dad die? Cant believe I'd be asking myself this question this day Why am I crying right now? To think, this man, was someon...
Posted by x|meatatarian|x on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:07:00 PST