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The Hard Drive Apocalypse
Anything New?
Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight
This is the New SHIT!
The Restraint of Memory/ Lack of knowledge.
"The New Blog"
Updates... again.
My Awesome PSP!
Friday Fun times.
My puppy Pogo!
Like pictures and posters from my wall!
Incoherant Screams: Amusement and News.
My Lifes Soundtrack.
Incoherant Screams, The first of Many.
Vacation again.
News and going out of state.
Pictures from NekoCon.
Kizuna's Awesome hIDE Quiz results.
NekoCON and meeting a celebrity!
Marilyn Manson on Jay Leno... Amazing.
Fucking Disgusting + Local News.
Mall, Movies, and Wal-mart with friends.
Pictures from Kayla P's awesome party.
My Second video Blog.
rap = CRAP
My First Video Blog.
An Eventful Day.
Cancellations and Sadness
The friends, the pornos , the mags, the malls, I like my coffee black just like my metal!!
The tests and whats been up!
The AFI Pictures from the Concert!!
The Pictures have been retired!
Dir en grey Concert = Family Values Tour
Everything is alright? tell me that its alright!
The Updates.
Kyo the Kitten.
Gay Haters SUCK!
CRACK WHORE! Blame it on myspace!
AFI concert.
News and Contacts.
Life again… as if it matters.
Dir en grey and Life!
Yeah I Quit!
AFI – DecemberUnderground.
Why was Marilyn Manson blamed for the Columbine Shootings? (rough draft)
All my Manson GIFs.
From First to Last concert pictures.
Manson and the Columbine Shootings.
OMG! 4 Blogs in the space of 1!
School and Marilyn Manson.
My Manson Hoodie & Vacation.
5th and 6th Manson Wallpapers.
Phantasmagoria: Visions of Lewis Carroll.
A bomb threat, spending time with friends and a music review.
A night out on the Town.
The numbers have Decreased!
A Satire for those who don’t think!
Entertainment Update.
Another Tragedy.
4th Manson Wallpaper.
Congradulations, now die already!
A Death in the Family.
3rd Manson Wallpaper.
2nd Manson Wallpaper.
Myspace and the over-reaction of stupid parents.
1st Manson Wallpaper I made.
Fun on a Thursday, Pics of the Sruthday!
First Glimpse: Phantasmagoria…
Fun on a dunsay!
Pathetic little Emo kids.
Guess what people, No really guess what!
Living at my grandmas 5 days a week.
My Missing Dog.
Drugs. Now filling Voids and making you forget your pathetic life.
Grooming the list again!
G(o)D = FAKE (don’t read if your extremely religious)
Marilyn Manson: Guns God and government.
Grooming the friend list!
Extremely Fucking Pathetic!!
Harry Potter 4.
Sad Attempt to see Harry Potter 4.
Bask in beauty or drown in tears?
Fuck You!
I got my learners fucking finally!!!
My schedule problem.
The End result!
Taking the Permit Test again!
Marilyn Manson!
Finished reading Harry Potter 6.
Hair cut and Failing the test again.
Bible Fuckers that believe their parents!
Learners Permit! *sigh*
Locked out of my House.
End of School Year.
Bored and random.
YAY a referral.
Star Wars Episode 3.
Missed the Bus.
I didn’t go.
Graduation… not mine…
Something not amazing but boring!
Age: 20.
Gender: Male. (duh)
Orientation: BI.
Status: Single.
Here for: Friends, Dating, Serious Relationship.
Location: Suffolk, VA.
Education: In College.
Job: Searching.
Driving: Yes.
Attire: Everything black besides a select few.
Hair: Usually Black and red.
Eyes: Usually blue but I have 2 pair of contacts.
Things that Keep me Busy: Friends and computers.
Hello, Welcome to my myspace page. My name is Zach, you can call me what you want, the nicknames I've been given are: Zacky, Zack, Zachariah, Zacky Havoc, Zacky Potter, and my myspace name, GROTESQUE.
From my details I'm sure you can assume I'm a very open minded person. I do not like close minded people at all. They are so strong in their ignorant convictions that there's no room for the possibility of something different.
I'm now 20, O_O; No more teenage years for meh _ but hey, I got the rest of my life to do bigger and better! Like to do stupid shit with friends.. lol.
Hmm I'd define my style as dark, just dark. Everything I wear is black, I only own like maybe 2 or 3 shirts that aren't black. I do sometimes wear make-up, more so lately than ever. I also have 2 pair of contacts, one pair being my first which are Amber Immortals(black and orange) and the other being the Manson styled ones(If you don't know what they look like your a douche!)
I believe this year has alot to look forward to, besides a few of my favorite bands cd's coming out and all.. *coughMarilynMansoncough* but like my life wise interesting things await.
Adding me on myspace. By default from hince forth if your display is you in a bathing suit or like hardly anything I'll deny you without even viewing your page. I'm seriously getting tired of the fucking myspace whores.
So yeah this is where I mention all my awesome friends(In no particular order mind you):
1. Zaffo
2. Cassidy
3. DJ
4. Kody
5. Dave
6. Kizuna
7. Crystal
8. Juan
9. Josh
10. Kenny
11. James
12. Heather
13. Racheluhhh lol
Marilyn Manson
Celebritarian Era 1
Celebritarian Era 2
Celebritarian Era 3
Celebritarian Era 4
Phantasmagoria 2
Phantasmagoria 1
Lest we forget
Holywood 2
Holywood 1
PSP Wallpapers
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