Time to start the count down.. profile picture

Time to start the count down..

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About Me

You are 68% Bittch!

I can't believe it! Your almost a full bittch! I know you just sit there and think of ways to be a bittch! How Pathetic is that! You must be awful lonely! Cruelty hurts! Bittch!

How much of a B*tch Are you?
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My y0ung @nd f@bul0us @unttie d0n't g3tt it twist3d w3 th3 s@m3 @ge butt sh3 n0 I run this... just pl@ying. Sh3 m3@n w3n sh3 w@nt to b3 but sh3 can b3 sw33t to but don't fuck witt cuz w3 will com3 afta u..n0 j0ke...lov3 ya bab3 Eric@ my f@voritte whitt3 girl, w3 h@v3n't b33n cl0$3$ fri3nd$ long but w3've b33n through @lot @nd ur such @ gr3@t p3rson @nd fri3nd... lov3 y@ lik3 n0 0th3r Chi~chi a fri3nd wh0 is @lw@y$ th3r3 n0 m@tt3r w@t, w0rds c@6't 3v3n 3xpl@in how much I l0ve y0u, your just 1 0f th3 fri3nds that I kn0w will @lw@ys b th3r3... THANKSDiv@$ wh0 d0n't mind t3lling u how th3y f33l J3n$i$ @nd @m@nd@ t2king ov@ so w@tch out..W3 don't @lw@ys @gree but in th3 3nd w3 still cool I lov3 my div@$~kisses...lolKirst3n th3 girl witt th3 most k0k3s and th3 s3xi3st brothers 3v@~ lov3 ya girl Al@in@... wow w3 b33n through @lot @nd though w3 ar3n't as cool as before i still love ya My f@v0rit3 n0n-twiin twins...Th3s3 r my 2 n3w f@v0riit3 ppl, my R0zz @nd my [email protected] so much c0uld b3 s@ui w3n ur @r0und th3m u c@n't d0 n0thing but h@ve fun @nd I loov3 '3m....Di@monds B@BY

I'd like to meet:

FRI3ND$ WHO r M0R3 TH3N FRI3ND$ J@zz J3m3@1 R0zz B00t$i3 N0v311@ Rich@rd My big br0th3r G0...lol J3n$iS J@$min3 Kirst3n @m@n@nd@ @nd th3 0ther$ U kn0w wh0 u r I didn't f0rg3t just g0t tir3d...............l?v3 y3@

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Posted by Time to start the count down.. on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 05:10:00 PST

Just saying

Skem9...dont copy my shit bitches...
Posted by Time to start the count down.. on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:55:00 PST

Do u wanna come wait wtth me???

I'm waiting patiently for my night and shinning prince to rescue me from this world of hate, crime and sin.. I'm waiting for my number one to tell me he's ready for us to be together and tha...
Posted by Time to start the count down.. on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:40:00 PST

I don't know

It's crazy u see cuz I want to be wit u but then again I don't...see I've learned not to play games and live life day by day and when it get's hard I just say....fuck that shit...lol naw I'm just paly...
Posted by Time to start the count down.. on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:33:00 PST