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Daniel C.


About Me

Born in England, Portsmouth. Immigrated to the U.S. in 1996 if I remember correctly. I met and married my awesome wife, the love of my life, who was also responsible for leading me to Jesus Christ. I am a certified personal trainer with the ISSA and am currently working at compass gym in Ocala, FL. My first passion is music and pray that is Gods desire and plan for my life. I am in a newly arranged band that shows great promise and will be playing live shows very soon. I am the guitar player and love every second of it. I love the company of people, making them laugh and adding a little flavor to their day. I love hanging out with my friends, family, wife, and my band buds. I'm not happy unless I'm learning something, into some kind of project, or working at something. I love the sense of achievement and a good days hard work.There is so much for me to be thankful for at this time in my life. I am surrounded by great friends, new funny friends at work, to very dedicated friends outside of work.I workout alot since I was 132lbs in my teens and was called the anorexic kid. Now I am 227lbs and have no idea how much bigger I wish to get, I just don't won't to lose the ability to run and scratch my own back!I have 4 cats and 1 pitt bull who requires a ridiculous amount of attention and provides much entertainment.I attend a great chruch in Ocala called Meadowbrook. And thats about all I can think of about know.Sooo.... how have you been?

My Interests

Music, singing, bodybuilding, animals, movies, videogames, the pool, really hot days, people, the ocean, food. Surfing (I suck), soccer.

I'd like to meet:

My Lord and Savior. Ummm.... I'm not really sure about anyone else. Other people in bands, always good inspiration and laughs.


This seems to evolve. Right now... Deftones, Red, Finger Eleven (always), 30 seconds to Mars (Jared Letos voice is ridiculous), Skillet. Anything that sounds good, just not country for the most part.


Action, naturally. I'm not sure about a favorite, but the quality of acting in the Fast and Furious movies is simply astounding!! No, really!


King Of Queens, I'm slowly starting to like "Friends" again after watching it too much, music videos, x-treme sports (than I can do none of them), and that show Pinks, anyone seen that?


I love all books that involve a particularly clever gentleman who takes the book, makes other people say the lines in front of a 'camera' like thing, and then let other people watch his creation, now thats a good read.Oh, and the bible.


Other than Jesus Christ, my friends who inspire me to be righteouss and try try try to do what is expected and honorable of me. My band mates are so influential to my life and give me a reason to get rid of the work week and get to practice days! The quality of music and blessing they bring is just ridiculous!Other than that... Jim Carrey.Oh, and my wife, (I have to say that or I get beat!)

My Blog


WOOOOO!!! After much prayer, patient, frustration and whining on my part. It appears I am in a new band after finding an awesome guy in Orlando. I can't freakin wait to get on stage and all you people...
Posted by Daniel C. on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 07:04:00 PST

Personal Training.. Compass Fitness

I am now a personal trainer and have left my old job to begin working out at Compass Fitness in Ocala, Florida. Very exciting stuff. If your looking for a personal trainer... I know a one who will giv...
Posted by Daniel C. on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 05:20:00 PST

Time for a giggle!!!!!!

WOW, Haven't done this in a while. This blog is just for people that I know and in my friends to know about my new pictures I uploaded thanx to my sis in law. They are freakin hilarious (I think) espe...
Posted by Daniel C. on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:52:00 PST

Why even bother?

Is it not out there to greet me back? As I run to it as fast as I can. Can a drive so deep be matched at all, or should I just give up, or should I just turn dark? Can I miss someone, who doesn't...
Posted by Daniel C. on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:19:00 PST

Shave and no haircut.

No more pretty boy spikes (at least not for a while!) The hairs gettin growed out baby, and stayin black. Why? I have no frickin clue! :)
Posted by Daniel C. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 03:21:00 PST

How lucky am I?

How lucky am I to have my prayers answered? How lucky am I to have my worries desolved? Thank God for my new friends who lift me up, my co-workers to make fun of me and make me smile, my family.... to...
Posted by Daniel C. on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 03:19:00 PST

The new band to come....

Through the awesome grace of God. I have been blessed by meeting new individuals that are looking to make a new band. God willing this will occur soon and we will be out there praise the kingdom. Than...
Posted by Daniel C. on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:52:00 PST