Skiing, Snowboarding, Sailing, Mountainbiking, Road Trips OF COURSE!!!, film making, reading, writing....
Anyone who's passionate about film! Directors and pictures that inspire me include David Lean (Lawrence of Arabia), Ridley and Tony Scott (Top Gun, Blackhawk Down, The Duellist), Michael Bay (The Rock, Bad Boys), Kevin Costner (Dances with Wolves), Steven Speilberg, and George Lucas of course. And how could I not mention Jerry Bruckheimer!
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Lawrence of Arabia, Dances with Wolves, The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the lost Ark, The Last Crusade, The Rock, Top Gun, Bad Boys, The Usual Suspects, Desperado, Back to the Future Trillogy, The Abyss, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, American Graffiti...