anything artistic, post-its, and money :)
Actors, Dancers, Performance welders, musical acts, painters, sculpters, as well as all the lovely people who want to help support them.
Chopin, Bach, Strauss, Def leppard, Gary Moore, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Duran Duran, Iron Maiden, Billie Holliday, Alicia Keyes, Avril Lavigne, BB King, Meatloaf, Kill 2 This, Weierd Al Yankovich, Skid Row, Mitch Benn, just about everything really.
Anything that has Audrey Hepburn, the three colours movies, Troma, anything Marvel (except Elektra!), old school musical, anything fantasy, cheesy romcoms, anything that has explosions, I don't know, I like stuff :)
anything that isn't based on reality "giggle". I love shows like CSI/NCIS/Law and Order, and adore anything Joss Wheedon created (except the last episodes) and I'm addicted to the Hallmark channel, and UKTVFood.
laurell K Hamilton books, Eddings, Gemmel, pop psychology books, poetry, and I'm very into Chaucer right now
Maya Angelou, Chris Dee, Mo Mowlem, My Mom.