Theatre, Film Making, Comedy, Voice Acting, Radio, Wrestling, And random shiz.
Ted Dibiase Rihanna Chuck Norris Chuck Liddell Optimus Prime Dashawn....Oh yeah I know him. The Bear that I will fight to the death. MacGyver John Morrison Monty Brown ..
I like a wide variety of stuff. Mostly production music. Favorite Song: Mama's Room by Under the Influence of Giants.
I will I guess post movies I've seen this year a liked: Transformers: My father was in it. 300: Inspirational Knocked Up: Hilarious Saw 5000: Made me Angry Fantastic Four 2: Doom rules Ass. The Mist: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I Am Legend!: I was saving that bacon!
I watch wrestling: all shows, and Lost, House, Dexter, Adult Swim, Degrassi...Yeah.
I like mysteries mostly but yea I would read but who honestly reads anymore. America tells us not to. And I really mean the whole country tells us not to.
My hero is my Grandmother. She is a very tough old lady. I get my personality from her and I can talk to her about almost anything. I joke about her more than anyone else but the thing is she always gets me back. It's crazy. She even knows how to work the dvr thingamacrap. It's BS. But I throw my hands up because I respect it.