Going out for meals which i do a lot, Drinking which i'm calming down on, going to the cinema when something good is on, walks on a sunny day as long as it's not too warm ;), kissing something i want to do a lot of, sex which well..................never you mind, cuddling and making buns naked ;)
A lot of people i don't care who or what you are :X Boycott Procter and Gamble STOP Animal Testing www.pandgkills.com please click here and help to stop testing on animals, testing on animals is not needed and doctors have said the same, animals to humans have different DNA to us they react different which makes it pointless to do what is done to them and is nothing but cruel, heartless and mean, even with smoking we all know that it kills but yet they keep on testing it on dogs and monkeys, why? Why is this still going on it needs to stop and it needs to stop now
www.uncaged.co.uk seeing pictures of these helpless animals mad me cry and I want to help put a stop to it, please help me make a difference if you care, please care these animals have just the same right as us to live to have a life not to be bread or to be tested on just for the likes of us we are not that special no one is for anything to be treated like this
boycott Procter & Gamble
P&G’s nanotechnology
Animal testing for new ‘nano’ particles
P&G are engineering ultra-tiny ‘nano’ particles that can penetrate skin and hair in ways that naturally occurring molecules don’t. The idea is to produce new types of cosmetics and hair care products, and boost P&G’s already colossal profits [1]. One likely use of nanoparticles is in P&G’s Olay skin creams. P&G are involved in cruel animal tests of nanoparticles.
A study published in Dec 2005 [2] reveals how a thousand hamsters, mice and rats were killed in a test where they were placed in sealed boxes and forced to breath in air contaminated with nanosoot particles. The idea was to see how much damage was caused to the animals’ lungs when they were clogged up with nanoparticles. The lungs of the animals given the highest doses could not cope with the soot, and their lungs were found to have doubled in weight when they were killed and dissected at the end of the test. They suffered severe and persistent lung injury, which was left untreated for several months in many cases.
Several animals died before the end of the test due to a lack of basic care, such as nine rats who were not given water. Hamsters became ill and died because they were moved into plastic cages, despite the scientists knowing that this could harm them: existing in a laboratory cage itself causes fatal stress.
Worse still, the scientists state their intention to perpetuate this kind of research, with the likely inclusion of tests using other nanoparticles. So much for P&G’s claims of trying to stop animal testing.
P&G are also involved in pushing for a massive new animal testing programme to assess how poisonous different nanoparticles are [3]. These painful and lethal tests would include inserting a needle into the animals’ windpipes, force-feeding a large dose of the material [4], and rubbing it into raw, damaged skin.
Pain for Profit
Although Procter & Gamble (P&G) admit that guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, rats and mice are among the animals used in their ‘product safety research’ [1], the company is highly secretive about what actually happens to the animals they sacrifice.
However, Uncaged can reveal disturbing examples of P&G’s involvement in painful and lethal animal tests. Apart from pain and injury caused by the chemicals themselves, unfortunately many animals also suffered because of a lack of basic care:Earlier P&G tests [2] include:
• An acute toxicity test where dogs were force fed large amounts of a cleaning chemical by stomach tube [3]
• Cancer and toxicity tests on rats and mice of optical brighteners and other washing power ingredients
• Long-term poisoning tests in animals for colouring agents
• 71 mice were repeatedly force-fed a synthetic musk fragrance by tube [4]
It’s hard to think of anything more vicious than poisoning and killing animals for the sake of tinkering with cosmetics and washing powder formulations. P&G are responsible for relentless cruelty at its most calculating.
Best Friends Betrayed
Iams/Eukanuba has been using dogs and cats in highly invasive experiments that subjected them to major surgeries and implanted them with tubes and other apparatus throughout their bodies. All of the experiments described below have been published in recent journals of veterinary research, most within the past three years.
One cruel experiment to study the effect of extreme weight fluctuations on the liver forced 24 cats to become obese by feeding them a high-calorie diet immediately after being spayed. Once obese, these cats were then starved for 7 to 8 weeks on a diet containing only 25% of the calories needed for maintenance, in order to induce drastic weight loss. The rapid, extreme weight loss forced 3 of the cats to develop hepatic lipidosis, a devastating disease that is difficult to treat and often fatal. No mention is made about the ultimate fate of the surviving cats. (1)
In another study to look at diet and allergies, 14 newborn puppies were manipulated with injections to develop allergens to various food ingredients. When the dogs were later placed on diets containing the allergen, they lost weight, developed moderate to severe diarrhea, hair loss and itching. Twice during the experiment, the dogs had solutions of the allergy- causing ingredient injected into the lining of the stomach while under anesthesia. These dogs will remain allergic for the rest of their lives. (2)
One cruel experiment to study the effect of extreme weight fluctuations on the liver forced cats to become obese by feeding them a high-calorie diet immediately after being spayed. Upon becoming obese, the same cats were then starved for 7 to 8 weeks on a diet containing only 25% of the required calories in order to induce drastic weight loss. The extreme weight fluctuations forced the cats to undergo hepatic lipidosis, a devastating disease that is not easily cured. No mention is made about the ultimate fate of these cats. (3)
A 1998 experiment sponsored by Iams killed 18 young Great Danes to study the effect of diet on bone density. The dogs had been placed on diets with varying amounts of calcium and phosphorus and were later killed so that their bones could be removed and analyzed. (4)
To study fiber in the diet, cats were subjected to surgeries that opened their abdominal cavities and flushed out the contents of the intestines. At the end of the experiment, all 28 cats used in the study had the entire large intestine removed. The study does not state the final fate of these cats. (5)
In fact, most of these experiments do not address what happens to the animals after the experiments. Animals with complex medical problems, missing large sections of their intestines, or forced to develop chronic allergies, are all manipulated to endure a life of disability and suffering.
Well to tell you the truth i like all sorts......but as for telling you what they are that i can't do, i'm one of these very few people that when they here a song they like they don't take note of who sings it.............yes them people do exist, i could sing bits of them but could never say who sings them, so you can tell how frustrated i get when i want to by the song......can't you! but if you like send me songs and I’ll tell you weather thats some of them lol
Films theres so many i can't think of them ALL:
Sweet Home Alabama
Pride & Rrejudice
Bridget Jones Diary & Bridget Jones The Edge Of Reason
My Best Friends Wedding
Along Came Polly
Our house
Top Gun
The Incredibles
50 first Dates
A knights Tale
X Men
The Brothers Grim
Just Friends
Van Helsing
King Kong (sad, sad film)
Well i like:
Small Ville
America's Next Top Model
Big Brother
Super Natural
X Factor
Miami Ink
Everybody Loves Raymond
You get the idea
Now that's something i don't do is read....not that i haven't tried, i just find them boring i can't get into them plus i can't read the big words ;D
Someone that can make me happy and sometimes be a bit romantic too