Oscar profile picture


The Key to life is connecting with people

About Me

Oscar Herman (1909 to 1980) Founded of the Guide to Laughing Institute. He was an urban Jewish Will Rogers who never met a man he didnt like. He made a living by selling shoes and made a life by sharing his humor. Known as the Mayor of F street, a major section of Washington D.C. where he lived, he was revered for having friends of all creeds and colors. A generous champion of the neighborhood children, he often led parades of kids through the drug store candy isle, buying each marcher a treat. Impromptu performances of Singing in the Rain or Alabami Bound, along with hilarious and insightful observations on love, sex, family, and life, were standard fare. Oscar believed the essence of life was connecting with people, and the key to connection was laughter. He was married to his wife Sarah for forty years when he died peacefully in his sleep in 1977. He is missed by the thousands of people whom he touched with his wit and his kindness.

My Interests

Pretty girls, good music, love to party and see shows. Staying up late and talking with friends.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody with a sense of humor and a healthy attitude


The old standards.


Anything with Gary Cooper, John Wayne, Lana Turner or Rita hayworth.


Moby Dick

My Blog

Guide to Luaghing Institute Mission

The Guide to Laughing Institute recognizes the power of laughter and is doing its part to create a sense of wellness and perspective in the world. Our intention is to helping people to laugh and learn...
Posted by Oscar on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST