Free Pre Made Myspace LayoutsYour results:
You are Lex Luthor Lex Luthor 71% Two-Face 71% Apocalypse 68% Venom 66% Magneto 66% Dr. Doom 64% Catwoman 61% Mr. Freeze 61% Juggernaut 59% The Joker 56% Kingpin 55% Dark Phoenix 52% Green Goblin 47% Mystique 39% Poison Ivy 36% Riddler 16% A brilliant businessman on a quest for world domination and the self-proclaimed greatest criminal mind of our time!
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sup beezy im CHUGLYFE some know me as pat yee...well what the fuck to say....well im from Vic City 250 i dont know what to say really but we BLAZZZE THE HYYYMEN and down here we sip alot....i go to vic high and i live on a rez...well im out CHUGLYFE