Comic book, movies, not getting my bike stolen, dill hummus.
I'm trying to use this profile to keep track of perople I actually know, so please don't be offended if i don't accept a friend request. My Hack/Slash profile is a much bigger whore and will take all comers!
Joy Division, Morphine, Soul Coughing, Atmosphere, POS, Greyskul, Interpol.
Horror movies in general. Fight Club, Chasing Amy, The Crow, Toxic Avenger 4, Batman Begins, Trick or Treat, Shaun of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead (original), Cabin Fever, The Devil's Rejects, Before Sunrise, Rushmore, the Royal Tennenbaums.
Arrested Development, Lost, Deadwood, Simpsons, South Park.
Palahniuk, Lloyd Kaufman, a fair amount of books about politics and religion and lots and lots of comics.
Lloyd Kaufmann, Erik Larsen, Alan Moore, George Romero.