Interests...everything, I want to know EVERYTHING! I have a thing for nice looking cars, especially if they're fast in Ricky Bobby's words "I WANNA GO FAST!!" I like knives and I play w/fire. I also like cherry/grape tomatoes...*L* I do, honest! Random shit I'm spitting out, that's kind of how my mind works, I'll be thinking about a hundred things at once and just say it. Hehehe
Real People, not people who fukk w/u. I don't got time for that. People come and go in life, it's the ones who stick it out with you that matter the most. The ones that can deal with you are hard to find. The ones who act like they like you are everywhere. The ones that love you for who you are not what you stand for or what you can do for them are rare..."Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it is what you are expected to give...which is everything..." Words to live by.
I listen to everything, 'cept weird shit that just blows ur mind. I mean, come on now, who does that? I'll listen to Em, gotta love him, Daddy Yankee, Linkin' Park, Jack Johnson, like I said I listen to everything.
Movies, I like all kinds of movies, chick flicks, dramas, comedies, I dunno, if it's good I'll watch it, EXCEPT and I STRESS on EXCEPT Horror/Scary Movies, I don't dig that shit. The last movie I watched was RATATOUILLE in the theater, most of the time I rent movies, but yeah, I know a lot of useless info on them and I know most of the people who act in them. What!? I told u I read everything...even if I don't want to. It's kind of a compulsive habit.
The only thing I really watch on T.V. is either a rented DVD or something from On Demand.
All I can say is that I read a's compulsive
My MOM, she was always there for me and I'll forever be greatful for her. She loved everyone unselfishly and never asked for anything in return. No one can ever replace her, she's everything to me. She will always be in my heart and in my life. I LOVE and MISS YOU MOM!!