Someone famous, um.... maybe actors or actresses. Or Jesus...why not that would be cool. Corny but.....ehh would you rather me say some celebrity that we would forget in the next couple of years or an artist that has a good song right now but i would forget when another artist comes along with a better song. Plus you can't top Jesus. Common try to top that. You can't. Satan tried and.....well, look what happened to him.
For some weird reason I like Sheryl Crow. If you have an artist song that you think other people should hear by all means share. Old new songs I dont discriminate... except hip hop (mind you theres some good hip hop....very little though) or things that most teenagers like. Damm kids don't know what they like. LOL
Godfather, In America, Whale Rider(chick flick but whatever)(not gay), The Station Agent. Need to catch up on new movies. Hate slasher movies, movies and romantic comedies. 9 out of 10 movies in the theaters suck. I have this rule: most movies that are horror or action and are pg 13 mostlikely will suck. Usually the "suits" want to get the 13yr olds' money and it doesn't take much to impress a 13yr old (half a boobie showing usually does the trick.) Normally a movie that would get a boner from a 13yr old and have him fork over 10 bucks (cuz he cant get porn yet) will turn everybody elses brain to mush.
The Office(rocks!!) but NBC will prolly water it down to death to get some millage out of the show(cuz thats how life is.) Arrrested Development, cancelled(cuz thats how life is) but still love it. Gilmore Girls(don't judge)(not gay) the older seasons the new episodes kind of suck. Everything else on tv sucks. I dont have cable so I can't judge. I hate sitcoms(most), can't stand shows like Friends and Will and Grace. Im sick of sitcoms of young white trendy professionals who live in New York or LA(maybe cuz I am a mexican who lives in Chicago and works at a bar.....maybe.)
Mostly books that would be in HS or college curriculums and fall under the "literature" catergory. Lord of the Rings was awesome. Brought out the geek in me. Plus I read them first and waited on seeing the movies. Shame on whowever watched the movies and never glanced at the books. Shame Shame. JRR Tolkien will haunt your house for the horrible wrong you have committed against him. Oh! I really like Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. If its new books they would prolly be from the sci fi or fantasy side otherwise I stick to the "literature" side like i said earlier. In general if the book is good I'll read it.
Super heroes don't count ......lets see.....thinking.....umm none i guess. hold on let me play it safe and appeal to the Christian crowd, JESUS!!. Just playing it safe people. Seriously thougn alot of people should have a relative or something that affected them personally as a hero cuz historical figures should't count(skip the "who would you like to meet essays" from school.) You need to have some very good reasons for them (great great something) and if you do I would like to hear those reasons. That would be interesting.