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...Comment Box.... :)About mee :P
»I'm a pretty simple person.
»Don't piss me off and we'll get along fine.
»I don't like smelly people.
»I'm addicted to Monster.
»I don't like taking medicine when I'm sick
»I really like milk.
»I'm kind of a loner.
»I like eating ice.
»The Spice Girls and Nsync make me smile real big.
»I love cuddeling and holding hands.
»I have alot of friends, but few that I consider close.
»I can be a really big bitch sometimes.
»I like art.
»I have selective hearing, so if you don't like repeating things sometimes, don't talk to me.
»If I dislike you, you'll know it.
»That's about it
»Oh, and my boyfriend is amazing. =] ♥ He means alot to me. When I'm sad or upset, he'll sit there and talk to me, no matter how pathetic I probably sound. I love little things that he does (which I'm not even going to start to name off XD) But most of all, he makes me happy.
IM me if you want-
squigii face x
Friendsss :D
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