Whiteness. Lynchings. Burnings. White bed sheets. White houses. Manifest destiny. White cotton. Egg whites. Milk (not chocolate). Vanilla ice cream. White chocolate.
Martin Luther King Jackie Robinson Mike Tyson Mohammud Ali Michael Jordan Tiger Woods Shaquille O'neil Malcom X James Earl Jones James Earl Ray Nelson MandellaSO I CAN KILL THEM. WHITE POWER.
Country. Nuff said. White power.
Whiteness Part 1. And 2. And 3. Also, the Return of the whiteness. And The KKK Strikes Again. Also Jews Must Die.
Fox News.
Confessions of the Grand Dragon- The KKK Revealed.
Founder of the KKK. Jesus. God. Whiteness. Slave owners. The South. The Confederate army. The Confederate flag.